I am a land owner in Columbiana county i have been approached about running gas lines on my property I would just like to know the acreage payment per foot that i should expect? I don't want ripped off I just want what land owners in my area are getting.   

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There have been many past discussions on this exact subject.

And there have been several very recent discussions on this exact subject.

The fact that there have been so many recent discussions on this site may be indicative of the start of an active build out of needed infrastructure; a positive sign.

Rather than rehash all that has previously been put forward, I would suggest that you start out by using the "search" feature that you will find in the upper right hand corner of the screen, typing in Pipeline.

The bad news is that it will likely take a considerable amount of time to glean through all the information that has been posted. I would suggest setting aside some "quiet time" this weekend to go through the past posts/discussions.

The good news is that I would expect that there is much useful information there that will be of benefit.


Not trying to put you off, simply trying to get you in touch with as much information as possible ... in as quick and painless a manner as possible.


Once you have reviewed past discussions and have benefited from those many posted opinions, you will be in a position to ask specific questions concerning the specifics of your situation.


Two recent discussions are:




I will here offer several opinions:

From what I understand people who have negotiated have been getting somewhere between $2 and $3 per inch diameter x running feet" of pipeline for something of the order of 24” high pressure pipeline. An example of compensation for a 24” pipeline crossing 1000 feet of property would be: ($2 - $3 /inch – foot) x 24” x 1000 feet = $48,000 - $72,000.

Add to this damages (which can be a substantial additional number, depending upon you exact situation/circumstances).

A pipeline ROW agreement is likely to be (and for your protection should be) the most complex contract you are ever involved in (think of it as a marriage license, till death do ye part with no divorces allowed) and you have only one opportunity to get it right.

Do not sign anything until it has been reviewed by a qualified Attorney with O&G experience.

All IMHO, good luck,


One additional thought, join your County Group on this site ... and cross post to that site.

There may be local individuals who have local information that can be shared on that County Group.



thank u 


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