Nat Gas is causing a revolution that will transform the country in ten years......or less.

HOUSTON — The natural gas boom has turned the United States into a magnet for production of methanol, with nine major plants expected to be built, expanded or restarted in the country in the coming years.

LydondellBasell announced Thursday that it had completed the restart of a plant that it had shut down for a decade because of previously high natural gas prices. Celanese said Friday that it had received federal approval to build an $800 million methanol plant at its chemical complex in Clear Lake, Texas.

One more piece of the massive puzzle.

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Thanks again for pointing out the benefits of shale development and production.

For several decades all manner of manufacturing associated with the use of natural gas as a feed stick has moved out of the U.S. Inexpensive production of Natural Gas due to the combination of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing is bringing these operations back to our country.

Along with this move back to the U.S. come the jobs and tax revenue. Shale development will revitalize our economy in ways most people cannot realize.

Thanks again for pointing out the good news.

I just learned it takes 14 times as much water to produce a gallon of ethanol than a gallon of gasoline from a fracked well.


Not only that, the burning of natural gas produces twice as much water as was used to frac the well. So all the antis and their screams are false about water taken out of the ecosystem and being lost forever. The burning of a molecule of natural gas produces two water molecules and a molecule of carbon dioxide ( and no CO2 is not a greenhouse gas).


Great graphic.

As I stated above; once that water is used in ethanol (etc) production it is gone. Where as the burning of NG produces twice as much water as well stimulation consumes.

Another fact that most people don't realize is that drilling and completion of shale wells uses less energy than the production of ethanol etc.

Bio-fuels are not the answer, right now natural gas is.

The resulting elevated price of corn due to the diversion of production to ethanol feedstock vs. human and livestock foodstuffs has had an adverse affect on food prices and our standard of living as well.......NOT A GOOD THING!!!


The anti crowd never thinks things through.

In order to grow more corn it takes more fossil fuels the very thing they are supposed to be fighting against. It takes fuel to run farm equipment to grow the corn and transport it. It takes more fertilizer, pesticide and herbicide to grow the corn. All of these are based on oil and or natural gas. The plants use electricity from fossil fuels. Making biofuels actual causes an increase of fossil fuels.

As I said, the anti's never think anything through.

Right u are Mark!
Like those hot air hand dryers everywhere. Saves some paper but use electric.......go figure.

I read an article a month or so ago that said there $125 billion in proposed projects....just in Louisiana!!!  Multiple LNG export terminals, expanding/new cracker plants, the Shell gas-to-liquids plant(since cancelled), a huge amount of pipelines, expanding refineries, and more.  Even building housing and support facilites for all the new workers coming. Any one looking for a job should consider heading to Louisiana.

Maryland is following New York, and have not allowed fracking, they are still investigating it.


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