Good place to pass info regarding bonus payments.

Company: Shell

No of days in lease for payment of bonus: 90 banking days

Actual days: 86

Phone call from bank that money was deposited, but with a 3 day hold


My son and daughter got their notice from the bank also,

Lease was 90 banking days....

Actual days: 96

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Carol on the other hand if it were not for the concept of Unions, Walmart would be paying their Fleet drivers minimal wages! Management is not a friend to the worker, the worker is a throw away tool for management. As they say we can always find another ___ to do the job. It is where individuals think they are indispensable and they get the pink slip do they then think about a union.  

To whom are you asking?

If states keep presenting and passing the 'Right to Work' , then this problem will soon take care of itself but not w/o a lot of hard work.  Those building a quality product and providing good customer service will be the winners.

Ohio is next, if I read that correctly.  Unions and union thugs support OCW, and Obama! It's going to get ugly...

Ya know buying USA sounds great and perhaps the people in the USA might start investing in America if America can be cost competitive with overseas products. With the regulations imposed upon American business it just about makes this impossible. 

 Let me give you an example I want to buy a small compact diesel tractor name one that is built in the USA there is none! I bought a John Deere  lawn tractor where the transaxle crapped out with only 300 hours on it, my neighbor had a Huskavarna with the same unit and he got 278 hours out of it! On the other hand a Kabota keeps on mowing! 

 America used to be the best in quality now it has went the way of building self destruct products, reverse the trend.

 Billy,  Get the 255 with the 236 Perkins. Maybe not indestructable, but pretty close. Union made in Detroit Mi. by the way. congrats to all who got paid !

 Yea the 255 has a bit more in her butt for hay bales

Most people don't know, but the govt rewards those who send products over seas to be made.  Dirty little govt secret...

(if you take the time to listen to Ron Paul, and if intelligent enough to follow his line of thinking, you would see what is really happening in this country, AND union thugs continue to put fear in non-union shops.  Had a friend who was top mgmt in Lordstown, was involved in negotiations with the union, often into the wee hrs of the morning.  One night a shot was fired into his HOME, just missing his daughter who was asleep in bed and another shot was fired at another negotiator on his way home in his car - had slowed down to cross rural RR tracks... yep, union thugs!

If you ever watch the TV show 'Shark Tank' where people present their ideas to very wealthy investors in the hopes of persuading them to become partners by offering a % of their company for a specific dollar amount.

On two different shows, the inventors/presenters were adamant about everything being made in the U.S.A. 

One did not get a deal because, one of the Sharks made an offer but stated the product should be made in China to substantially increase the profit margin - presenter refused and walked away with nothing.

Then, another presenter ended up with a deal, probably because it could not be made elsewhere - specialized work.

So, people are trying to bring jobs back to the U.S.A. and will NOT let money sway them!

We need jobs here badly,and by the way I'm not a union crony just believe common people should be able to have a decent standard of living, if they are willing to work for it,but not like a slave. That's all I'm going to say.

totally agree john...  just say'n unions have gotten out of control

for some reason I could not reply to your OTHER response, which is probably just as well.. have a good day!

Amen but when they are gone,there will be noone to guard the hen house!

Oh, don't think we'll have to worry about that - sure would love to give it a try though!

Of course, there will always be those who will take advantage, but only if we let them... 


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