Hello Everyone:

I couldn't find any discussions regarding lease proposals or current lease rates for pipelines coming across a landowners property.


Are there any posts at MarcellusShale.com or can someone give me their thoughts/recommendations on where to get reasonable advice on this issues as we have been approached by a company to sign for a possible pipeline that may be coming out of Scio.

Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.


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There is a sample pipeline lease at www.alov.us.  There were some earlier discussions on pipelines.  I don't know how to post links to the topics here, but i found by clicking on All Discussions at the top of this page (right under Home), at next page then typing "pipeline" in the search box.  Similar discussions come up that may be helpful to you.

And if I may offer a couple suggestions,  ASK for what you need to be comfortable with pipeline easement- the worst they can do is say no.  Also, ask for funds to pay your attorney up front. That way if you don't come to terms, you aren't left with the bill with no pipeline compensation from which to pay it.  Good Luck!!!

Thanks very much for your help!

Hi Stan, talked toyou last fall. They put a gathering line from oour property headeds south to the Guthry property.  Looks like they're tying in the wells south of me into one line


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