Has anyone been approached about a pipeline easement in Columbiana or Harrison county

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Come to the Columbiana county forum and see the discussion there, Patrick.   Would love to hear about your experience......

As soon as have some info I'll let you know. When and where  is your forum?

Go to the Columbiana county group here on GMS, Patrick.

Will do

if there is anyone that lets them get away with these prices of $12 to $15.00 let. foot really feel sorry for you. i would hold out. have been there in wva and they will pay more alot more. you just have to hold your ground and not beleive anything they say unless they are willing to put in writing. Midsteam is very good at tring to hardball landowner. never sign anything other then a agreemeant, take it to a lawyer. also would ask that the portion that is for damages be put in writing, bet they wont do that.




Thanks, its kind of what I thought. I thought  I saw  where someone got $65.00 a ft.


Then again if they are working on alternate routes in order to follow a path of least resistance you may be bypassed and get nothing. It's the old "bird in the hand" scenario. I never was much of a gambler , I guess.

Have you , or anyone you know , hammered out a deal involving perpetual royalties derived from any pipelines placed in your ground? Midstream lines , that is.

if all your looking for is money, have at it. Its not that they take the path of lease resistance it that they will go the path that will cost the least. Medstrean is full of guys with alot of bs and they really dont care about you or your land. All I'am tring to say is that you guys are getting low balled. Dont wont to see people taken getting ripped off. And at that price midstream is jumping for joy if they are getting people to sign for this amount.

It is all about the money, Just not about the Dollars. 


Please share with us just how much we can expect to get per foot. Where did you end up?

Can you answer my question pertaining to Royalties............?

Of course I am looking for money......who isn't?

You seemed to miss my point about the path of least resistence of which I spoke. I WAS referring to the path of least cost to them. I can't spend the money my neighbor gets instead of me. Of course they will spend no more than is necessary to get an easement put together........Would you?


Does anyone know what a fair price/foot is for allowing a gas line on their property?   I have property in Venango County, Pa and was asked by Halcon if someone could survey the property for a future gas pipeline.   They want to follow the same path as a utility line that passes through my property. 

Mark, we're in Susquehanna Co & got an offer from Willams/Western for $12.00/foot.  We didn't take it, just not worth it to us at that price.  I've heard other people in Susquehanna Co were getting $30/foot but of course Willams claims they were old leases offered by Laser that they had to honor since they bought them out.  I'm w/ Thelma...they all seem to act like they're presenting their best & final but quite honestly we feel what they're asking for it worth a lot more than what they're offering.  They will have access to your property, etc for years to come.    We let them survey but we haven't agreed to any lease at this point.  Good luck!


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