They want to buy my oil and gas rights in tusc. County Ohio. And pay me one lump for it all. Should I do it because I don’t there now ?

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its a TOTAL CRAP SHOOT..  Just because you get leased doesn't mean you get drilled.. many time tho.. the Vultures  find out where the pads are going and try to buy you out early.. but.. many times that 1240 acre, 620 or 310 acre block might come right up to your property and royalties.  been buying and selling since 08...  i have many acres in wells and alot more out of..   some I sold.. only because I knew wsnt in a well.. do your research.. and stick it to one if ya get a chance..  

It’s funny the “don’t sell” crowd seems to be guys that are still waiting for something to happen.

Selling or holding is a personal decision, sometimes not rolling the dice and taking on development and commodity price risk doesn’t make sense.

If someone has a diversified portfolio great, otherwise advice advocating with absolute certainty seems as as useable as just heading to Vegas and placing everything on black. The reality is that yes - over time you are more likely to collect more cash than if you sold - however you are taking in risks, we all have seen the volatility of nat gas prices - great to own wells when prices are $4, $5. $8/mcf - not so much when at $1.50 and you have net lease terms, or when your operator goes bankrupt. Also have seen what state and federal government can do to development time frames - how did holding on work out for everyone in any state? I’ve bought plenty of minerals in my time, and “made” money on most, lost my ass on some, but I own a diverse portfolio spread across multiple basins with both oil and gas production. I do my homework, lots and lots of it - from geological to engineering, to researching operators, basin differentials, pipelines/marketing impacts and everything in between. So hold or sell but educate yourself and be careful about taking advice that’s not supported by facts, or taking your situation into account.

Btw - I wouldn’t be holding my breath about drilling “deeper” and getting oil in Tioga county - look at the geology. You’re pretty much in dry gas land and generally the deeper you go the more gas vs oil you get. Thats the same for the Marcellus and the Utica/point pleasant. Deep = dry gas and NE PA is almost entirely dry gas in both formations. Also be careful where there are salt intrusions that push up the Marcellus (southern tioga). It’s had a negative impact of n the productivity of the formation

In any event - base decisions on facts and personal considerations, having all of your eggs in one basket is sometimes not the wisest choice.


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