Back in April this story broke but we haven't heard a peep since.....?

Anyone have anything to add?

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Does this have anything to do with some of the infrastructure build out in Beaver,Butler,Mercer counties?

A quick search of the Lawrence County Recorders site comes up blank for Williams Partners or Three Rivers Midstream.......? Any hits in other counties?

Here are a couple of articles that perhaps show some indication why progress is not happening on the Three Rivers Midstream.  Also perhaps Williams is waiting on Shell to make a decision.

I have not been posting the info I have been reading about the Bluegrass Pipeline in Kentucky.  It is definitely a hot issue in central Kentucky over the issue of eminent domain.  Williams has been plastering the residents with lots of expensive marketing--ads as well as direct mail campaign and meetings where the high up the food chain lawyers do the questions and answer routine in the affected counties.  What makes this resistance different is not so much an anti O&G group, but the county attorneys are questioning very intently the use of eminent domain.

Lexington Herald Leader carries the articles as well as individual county newspapers and the following link says it all--- a lawsuit filed this past week in Franklin Co. Circuit Court. 

I guess my comment is never underestimate a Kentucky Wildcat.  Williams has a Wildcat fight on their hands.


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