Now that the weather is starting to break, has anyone heard anything more about Enervest and any partnerships going forward with drilling into the oil window of the Utica?   Just wondering because things seem to be so slow right now.   The only real rumor (and it is just a rumor) is that CHK maybe selling their big office building in Louisville to ExonMobile.   I know the work seems to have slowed down and it has taken a long time for construction to get to this point.  Just wondering how serious CHK is to completing this building.  

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I'm hearing rumors on the street, too, about that office.

What I hear is that it is quietly being marketed without any fanfare in order to not shock the masses.

Work has slowed down on this...I got that straight from CHK Canton through my contacts.

Stark State was to take the rental office in canton over for O/G safety training. I still hear that the contractors are still working in the Canton office. It's rented, BTW, to CHK. For the moment.

CHK is in a cost-cutting mood...anything's possible.


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