
Does anyone know about the composition of the flowback water ? I wonder how much in CO2, H2S is coming back with the flowback water/wastewater.



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Wouldn't this be different at each site?  You could take samples and run an analysis.  I am involved in controlling foam and work with lots of wastewater treatment systems.  Those systems are changing all the time.  For us to determine what we are dealing with, we run an FTIR.  Once that is done, we then apply the correct defoamer chemistry to control foam.  In your case, you want to determine the flowback water composition.  A local lab could help. 



Is it possible to place tags (like they do explosives) in the fracing fluids to trace where they go?

I would imagine that the molecular makeup of the individual compounds would be easily traceable without any additional steps necessary. 

Flowback back water is laden with many solids produced out of the Marcellus Shale. It has a heavy metals composition and can pick up some salt, along with whatever was in the frac fluid.
Thank you Homer.

It is a combination of water and some chemicals, a lot less than most people would want you to believe,  minuscule compared to the roughly 5 millions gallons of water used to frac a well, sand that is used a a propant, and of course minerals from the geographic fomration it was injected into.


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