Is anyone in the group knowledgeable about current events, particularly near Overbrook Road?  What type of unitization is in process for what well?

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The information about the 2-mile perimeter and Holy Sepulcher was from their website.

Which website is that? It does not appear that Holy Sepulcher part of Mars Area School District Schools. Check the Mars Area School District website and look at the listing of schools. Holy Sepulcher is not mentioned as one of the schools.


I apologize for not questioning this earlier. This particular comment "It doesn't make sense to me for the school district to have said no to a revenue stream when I believe they are 34M in debt." Instead of making an assumption; it might be in each landowners best interest to present this statement at the next Mars Area School Board meeting (April 1st at 7 pm) Would it be possible for you to do this? This might help the landowners reading this know what Mars Area School District's financial position is. The money from signing the lease with Rex had the potential to affect bond ratings and the ability to borrow. In turn, the citizens of the townships could see higher taxes.

Very interesting discussion Jane and Vicki.  Jane I believe you are right in the belief that MOB would like to shut down all drilling.  MOB gives very compelling arguments to the dangers of drilling/fracing, there is truth but much of the information is questionable.  Of course safety is of the upmost importance but a 2 mile radius of the schools, that is 10560 feet.  One half mile is 2640 feet which (in my opinion) still exceeds a reasonable safety zone. Vicki, I'm not quite sure why you are dissecting Jane's sentences.  Your points are good although may be a bit out of context. It is my understanding now that the reason the school board voted down the Rex deal has to do with the solicitor's advise that the land use could be challenged in court.  Hopefully that will be explained in more detail at this evenings school board meeting. 


Good feedback. You might be able to refer to the Mars Area School Board's minutes that will be approved at next month's meeting to understand the full reason (more than just the solicitor's advise) on why they voted down the Rex deal. Any one who had attended the meeting when they voted down the lease would already know their reasoning which was more than just the solicitor's advise and includes the health and safety of the children. I hope that a comment like yours was not based only on the article that was published in the Butler Eagle. Did you attend the Mars Area School Board meeting last night? It was made clear that these are parents and residents of the communities that would like a reasonable safe zone around the 5 Mars Area Schools with no drilling. It has not been determined what that distance will be. A safe zone around the 5 Mars Area Schools does not mean that all drilling in the townships will be stopped. There needs to be a reasonable balance between the Oil and Gas Industry and the community. How can health and safety be less of a focus unless greed primarily drives the way one acts.

Good story in the Trib. Range lease for drilling Deer Lakes Park. Actual lease is linked.

I did not read the entire lease but a quick perusal of some of the sections that I am interested in were quite impressive. Extremely detailed and very specific on all counts. 

Of course this is for 1,700 acres and a government entity. An average landowner would never get or even need something this comprehensive but there are portions that can apply.

It also may be a good template for other public institutions such as the Mars School District.




Thanks for the link!

I'm impressed that Range is willing to pay so much for dry acreage.  Over the last several months in Range's corporate presentations they have been emphasizing their intent to focus on the super-rich, wet and dry Marcellus and Deer Lakes Park is a dry example.


Whats happening in Merrie Ol Middlesex.......lots....

Ferree pad going strong. Last I looked 5 of the 6 have been spudded. Retention pond is done, hydroseeding the banks and hauling quite a bit of water.... not frac quantities, but fillin it up.

Appears to be a temporary water line being laid between Reno and Ferrree.... big black plastic lookin pipe laid along the ground along Logan Rd in the same RW as the permanent pipeline.

Pipeline guys have been like fly's on small herds moving along puttin in stakes and signs and used car dealer flags to mark overhead power lines. Dirt will be movin soon.

Kennedy to Ferree staked out pretty good movin East ...not so many signs and stuff but looks serious.

IMHO Rex is very serious on this Ferree pad. I believe they are going to at least frac the interdigitated  Marcellus and Burkett wells to check spacing and any interaction.  (interdigitated..Hey Phil I don't even know if it is a word...spell check says its wrong but don't give an alt... Love it! LOL)

From todaysButler Beagle....real paper, don't think I can link it, gotta pay to get electronic version of that rag....

Group from Adams wants 2 mile "overlay" zone around schools in the Mars Area School District.

Asking to consider joint municipal  zoning with Middlesex.]

Residents attorney advised that supervisors cannot remove the financial gain of people who have signed leases.

Group will attend Middlesex Supv meeting tommorow at 6:30.

2 miles...........hmmmmm


FMV and Oliver and those of you not yet leased,

I talked to Rex last week.  They are still focused on Butler Cty and looking to sign leases.  Why don't you call them up and get yourself signed up. Go straight to the source. I called them, had to leave a message and he called me back the same day. 


Thanks for the update!  It is a word!!

"They do move in herds!"

I get to use another Jurassic Park quote!




Did you talk to Joe Penska?




Joe Penska is the only inside land agent that I have dealt with.  His title is "Senior Land Agent Rex Energy Operating Corp".  I don't know where that places him in the Rex land agent hierarchy.



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