Is anyone in the group knowledgeable about current events, particularly near Overbrook Road?  What type of unitization is in process for what well?

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FairMKTValue: Will you keep us posted on the 2 mile ovelay? We could have the same issue in our area. Wish act 13 was still 100% in tacked   Thanks

Sure will deer spotter.

I will see what I can find out about last nights Middlesex Supv, meeting. 


Fair MKTValue: Any word on the landowners made out with the 2 mile overlay in the Mars  area?  We have a zoning hearing in our area on Mon. 7/14/14. looking at the same issue. Any info. would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Deer Spotter,

I emailed a friend in Adams Township who has a farm close to the school grounds.  She has been quite active in the "2 mile overlay" debate on the side of the landowners.  I asked her the present status of the debate.  I'll post her response here.  I thought that the supervisors overrode the 2 mile thing but perhaps put a more reasonable offset in place.  I notice that the Geyer permitting process is ongoing.  Of course, even though the proposed Geyer well pad is close to the school it is actually in Middlesex.

May I ask what township are you in?

FMV may have the answer as well.


Venango county Cranberry township. Under lease to Halcon. Zoning board is looking at restrictions on land use. Meeting Mon. 7/14/14.

Deer Spotter,

Here is my Adams township farmer friend's response:

"The  Township Planning Commission recommended a 1250 foot overlay. The Board of Supervisors decided against that and there was no overlay at all put into place.

This group of people have continued to make a lot of noise. They have a meeting with the DEP and Rex Energy July 15th in Meadville, and claim they are continuing their fight. They really want this state wide.
There is also some noise “underground” so to speak, that there is something that is going to happen with the school board. They have a meeting July 15th as well. Don’t know what it is, but we will be there. I do know that this group of people are planning a news conference right before the school board meeting to announce what happened with the meeting with DEP. The last time they had a news conference, the only “news” source that was there was an anti-fracking Shale .org (?) representative."
That's it.

Deer spotter

I believe Phil's info is correct.

I do know that in Middlesex it never really had a chance. Way too many people already under lease. 

After it was soundly defeated in Middlesex I sorta quit paying attention to Adams because , at least for the Geyer pad it became a moot point.

Sorry for the slow response but I have not been checking in here as often.


FairMKTValue: Thank you Looks like this is about the same in this area. Could be the same consulting firm, they use the term 2 mile overlay.

A 2 mile opinion is that it would be very hard to pass something like this, because the township is just asking anyone that has a signed lease that falls within that 2 mile zone to sue them.

I understand that people have a lot of concerns about this industry but they are feeding off a lot of bad information. Sure every industry comes with concerns but if you take all the facts and ask the right quesitons you will have a better understanding. Heck driving your car comes with a lot of risk but people do it everyday.  Have they even looked at all the school districts in Washington and Bradford counties that have signed leases and are in producing units, no. Have they asked other districts with current leases what their experiences have been, no.

I sent my support of the industry to the PA senator and rep for the area because I'm sure they are getting slammed with opposition, I wanted to send my two cents for what its worth that not everyone in the community is against it. I think both sides need to be heard.

There was an article in the cranberry eagle yesterday about this group, and how if this overlay does happen it will take a lot of approvals and I for one would go to fight against it.




Donna -

To be very fair, is it appropriate to make sentences based on the opinion that the citizens in Middlesex Township have not looked at the school districts in Washington and Bradford counties that have signed leases and are in producing units or other school districts with current leases? A balance is needed between the community and the oil and gas industry. The Supervisors of any township have the legal authority to protect the citizens through zoning and constitution. Similar each citizen has the right to stand up and speak about their community. It is great to hear both sides. The realization is that this activity will be in the community, but one does have to pause and think if the proposed location of the activity is reasonable. The majority of the landowners in the township have been given the opportunity to sign a lease and in return have already been receiving money. If only greed and political motivation could be removed from making the decisions that impact the entire community.


Do you live on Overbrook Rd?



I sent you a PM.


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