Met with a few people today with Des.  I'm not going in details on here, but i stongly encourage anyone that is unsigned to go to his meetings this week.  The first is at Union Local Tuesday night.  Personally, I don't care who brings the contract to the table or how much this person will make off of any agreement, as long as the lease is there for all of us to maximize our opportunity to capatilize on this gold mine. 


Views: 22738

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks Lost , you are right on the money .

Class act Robert good thing your not man enough to say those things face to face, pretty easy to insult when you hide behind a keyboard & a fake profile that you keep changing & hiding by making private,  and it looks like a lot more than four people have your number huh tough cyber Guy, We are still just waiting for you to tell us the name of your title company you own that charges $2000 TO $3000 FOR A TITLE REPORT WITH NO ATTORNEY OPINION OR INSURANCE, BASED ON WHAT DID YOU SAY ERRORS & OMMISSIONS INSURANCE?? BOY THAT WILL BE WIPED OUT WITH 2 CLAIMS WONT IT???? OR ARE YOU BACK TO BEING THE SHALLOW DRILLER THAT WISHES COMPRESSORS & INJECTION WELLS ON EVERYONES LAND??

Which is it Robert inquiring minds want to know!

I sure hope your family & friends don't know who you are because you are for sure an embarrassment not only to yourself but them as well

hahahahaha Robert who you think your impressing? not anyone reads your posts for like foreever its easy for anyone who has a napoleonic complex, You haven't a clue do you? I wont stoop to the name calling & slurs you have been throwing on here bacuse although you may think all us SE people are stupid, ignorant podunks, I guarantee we are not. as I said your  not accomplising a thing on here your lies have been discovered & disclosed your credibility is as low as it can get, typical Landman

Methinks we struck a nerve with Robert. Such big hostility from such a little man-boy. Could it be that he knows we're onto his little game?

Nice catch Shark, this whole thread was about the landman & his new plan to have landowners pay for title insurance makes sense or not till Robert & Ed showed up argueing that it makes sense & the price is ok & as robert said pretending to be a title company owner side the price at  $5,000 isnt bad as he charges $2000 to $3000 average and the title company ??? can charge what they want?

Yet neither are landowners in the area? In fact Robert claimed he isnt even from ohio or so he said in one his rants?  whats their reason for being here if not to help fleece us po dumb farmers!

LOL Tom !

LOL shark !

There are probably more than 3 companies running title.  Also, any reputable title company who has a contract with an O&G company will not run title for anyone else in the same county(ies), as it could be a conflict of interest.  So it doesn't matter what those 3 companies charge - they won't be the ones running your title.

I think that most of the O&G companies have brokers that they prefer to deal with, and pay a day rate for the title work.  So acreage doesn't matter at all - if a search takes 3 days, it's this much, if it takes 0.5 days, it's that much.  One of the worst searches I ever dealt with was on 27 acres, that was made up of parts of 13 tracts, meaning, it was actually 13 searches.

As I see it, the issue isn't how much to pay for a title search, but IF you should pay for a search, regardless of price.  In my opinion (and you know what they say about those), whether you pay $5 an acre for a search, or $50 an acre, it doesn't really matter, if the O&G company draws a different conclusion from their own research.  

If a landowner is not sure if they own their minerals, and they want to find out, they could call any title company, ask about their fees and oil and gas experience, and have someone do a search for them.   

Also, is it really necessary to name-call and say nasty things?  It seems like there's a lot of decent information that's going to be buried under "I know you are but what am I" type stuff.

Just the opinion of someone who doesn't post much, but has been reading here for quite a while.

Robert where did you go? deleted all your lies & insults and pulled up stakes, what you finally realize the whole site is on to you & your BS, I honestly Hope you get some psychological help &  life gets better for you, I hope you have the family & medical support you need but we will be waiting & watching for your return knowing that eventually you will fall off the wagon, but in the meantime have a great day and good luck in whatever business your in today?

Did he remove his posts ?

It's to late now ,,, Tick,tock,,Tick,,tock,,,TICK,,,,TOCK

It's kinda like a bell , once you ring it you can't un ring it .

It will be there every where you go , the long stares , tailgaters , unexplained noises ,,,,   just think about it and all of the new friends you

have made ,,,  ,,, ,,, 

Thanks for the compliment.

I guess I would just rather focus on facts.  Both sides want to come to an agreement, right?  No amount of discussion over who's fat, transgendered, a loser, an alcoholic, a landman, a landowner or whatever the latest insult is could possibly be productive.   

And I'm not siding with anyone, or defending anyone, just trying to keep the conversation civil and informative.   


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