Many of you have had the seismic test and water testing done.  We have just received requests for both.  My understanding is that these tests are requested for all land w/in a 3000 foot perimeter of a perspective well pad. What is your experience following these requests as to the POSSIBILITY  or PROBABILITY that a well is being drilled in the future? 

Thanks - Denver

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Denver, who are you in contact with?  The seismic permit agent who dropped a card at our place is Pete Fitzpatrick.  I have not called back and he has not stopped back so I have no idea where this is headed.....well, I have an idea.

I'm on the north end of Pebble Rd and there are a limited number of places here that make sense for a pad.

PK - Your land

Mine is a little small for a pad.....having those guys in my living room might be a bit awkward....  :D

PK - My computer is getting strange.  It didn't send my message.  My land is on one of the dirt roads that dead end on Pebble Rd. so we are close. (neighbos are Dick Carins, John Zimmerman, Jim Locker).  The contact #s you want are 1) the testing company SAIC 1-855-367-5434. I talked to John who told me that they are asked to test water on property w/in 3000 foot of a perspective well pad.  2)Also, Chesapeake @ 1-877-245-1427 ask for Sherika Alford the head of water testing for Chesapeake.  Sorry about the confusion on the last text.  Hope this info helps. - Denver

When we got our water testing papers it had a well named on it on the top left corner of one of the pages. I than called the 877 number listed for Chesapeake and explained I got this paper with a named well and we wanted to know if it we received the papers because we were in a unit or just close enough to get the papers. They were very friendly and asked for my parcel Id and county. They can pull up a drawing to see where you sit in the unit. They will not have exact acreage unless you are all in. If you have a well name listed give them a call.
Good luck and I hope you are all in.

Kathleen - Thanks.  I'll check that.  - Denver

Do you have a well name. A friend of mine got her water test papers today with one listed. I'm excited for everyone. Just to let you know don't get to excited about checks coming soon since when I called that number I was told the well is scheduled to be drilled January 2. If you are in a unit ask when it will be drilled. The guy just offered me that info without asking. Have fun!

Kathleen - Yes there is a well name it is Ramsey 3-16-7 PAD.  There is also an ID #.  I assume this is all good news for me. The map that was also sent appears to show 640 acres outlined.  Our original pooling was 321 acres. Still better than 1280 since the well pad is right next to us. Whatever the royalties (if any) is "found money" so I'll be happy. Thanks for your help. Your info made my weekend. - Denver

You got a map! Maybe you should be excited about checks :0). We didn't get a map so we really didn't know if we got the notice due to just being close enough to have the water tested.
Just for fun but this you may know. It appears all the well pads are named after the property owner the pad sits on and those other numbers are the county codes, example 17 I bet is the section.
When anyone gets a water test notice with or without a map they just need to go to the online auditors office in columbiana click on property search and put the well name in. Than you look for the county code listed if a bunch of landowners come up for the search.
I would be having a good weekend too :0).
I just go to property search and put the pad name in and than a list of landowners come up. From there I just look to match the county codes that are also listed on the water test papers to match to the landowner. Than if it's local I take drive :0).


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