Hello Everyone,

When we first got the offer sheet from ILG, my reaction was this must be some kind of scam. I am finding out its real.

My wife & I have +/- 58 acres on Moore Ridge Rd just into Center Township (good road frontage.). Its looking like the best way for most of us to aproach this is to join a land group to pool our bargaining power. I'd be open to listening to opinions and willing to take suggestions that would guide us toward joining a land group.

My biggest concern is being left holding the bag, waiting too long. Can anyone out there help get us started in figuring out which way to turn?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.





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My wife and I own land in Monroe County and we are interested in joining a land group. So please respond because it seems the players are in town.  We live in Western North Carolina and drove up to Monroe county two weeks ago to meet with our attorney and try to further understand what is going on.  Any help would be appreciated.

When a sizable group is formed in an area holding geological promise (don't count on the companies to give you that info), a contract should be signed by all that indicates their level of committment to this endeavor.  Anyone wanting to back out should be allowed to do so AFTER a specific period of time set forth in the contract drawn up by mutual agreement of the group members. Anyone not able to agree to that does not belong in a group. This is not something that will be done well IF it's done quickly.  Having surgery? Do you want the fastest surgeon on the block or the best?  I'm guessing the answer is somewhere in-between, but he better be darn good!  As long as the group has the committment of its membership to stick together, THERE is where the strength lies.  Companies have more ploys to drive wedges between members than you'll ever believe.  They aren't new @ this game and you are.  Simply having a group isn't the answer, because companies can and do dangle a lease agreement  around ... buying time ... sewing promises not seed ... and certainly not the lease you hope they will agree to.  Like wolves

circling their prey, eventually they'll succeed UNLESS the Groups representation is equally up to the job and experienced in playing hard ball on a world-wide scale.  Top-notch Groups take time to put together, just as top-notch lease deals do.  Expand the area of OGM (oil,gas,mineral) rights (grow the group) and take the time to find representation that's just not smart. There are a lot of smart folks in in the world, but they don't all have the same skills.  Find a firm that has the skills needed for a Group to succeed.  This isn't easy, but how many truly great things in life are? There have been strong deals made for Groups.  I hope the one you're in becomes one of the success stories.  It calls for a lot of homework.  I got a great deal of help, direction and educational materials from Penn State  for 4-County Leasing Group.  Their Marcellus team works throughout the Marcellus region ... multiple states. It's a start.


4-County Leasing Group Coordinator   E-mail: jlhanch@nc.rr.com


@ J.L. Hancharick - May I ask what company you are with?
Tom, we are also very interested in who she is with ... is she a landowner and attorney or acting on behalf of someone else!!!  Is she saying no one else has the intelligence to make good decisions?? Confused
thanks Tom ... glad to know we are on the same page!!
I like your thinking country boy!!
Thank you ! :)

h bo,

I believe your impression of Janice is much more accurate than the earlier posts.  I have actually communicated with her via email and she is not trying to solicit any of us for business.  She is merely trying to help and trying to communicate to us all the value of a strong group that is unified and good representation to get the best out of negotiations.  One point that comes across pretty clear and I agree with her completely is that if we don't stay unified we will never realize the best for each of us.  If too many are willing to split ranks just to take a lesser amount it will negatively affect the entire group.  She is not degrading any of us but merely encouraging us to have a strong group that has good representation and a group that is willing to be patient.  Honestly, I wish she was the head of a group here in Monroe.  In my opinion it is her type of mentality that will get the best for each of us.

What group are you in jeremy . you can email it if you like . I agree with your take with 


I would like to join a group dont have a lot of land but have about 1/4 mile road frontage on 800

Thanks Sandi

Sandi, I sent you a memo in your in box
email is jpedaci@aol.com thanks


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