Shell is having an informational meeting for southern Venango County, Wednesday November 16, 2011 at 7:00pm, Clintonville Volunteer Fire Department, 103 Emlenton Street, Clintonville, Pa. 16372.


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Honestly, if you were able to get them a good lease at 3850/18.5%, that is good for both you and them!  If your charge is 6% of the bonus money, a one time charge, sounds like a fair deal. Any other charges?  Royalty percent?   I am not being negative, just asking questions...Tell us about the addendum's??  Name of the drilling company???   If they clear title will they be paid??  Unit size??  You responded to a post that I had ask pumper jack...This conversation  did not involve you... you entered it...ok, fine, that was your choice, now that you have, feel free to respond the questions I have asked you about the lease you are offering the hardworking landowners of Venango County.....

We held meetings every week for four months. Our meetings, unlike other groups, were open to any one and every one.  We spent an hour at each meeting explaining our process and what the terms of leases and how they affect the landowner.  We encouraged them to look at others, explore all options, and study the issues as much as they could so that they could make an informed decision. We stayed afterwards, often for two additional hours, answering every question asked of us. We always had attorneys present at every meeting to review any existing lease for free and to answer other questions.

If you truly wanted to know the answers to your questions you could have attended just one of the meetings. This website was not set up for me to go on and on about every detail of our business. I just let people know when meetings are scheduled and then I respond to criticisms. Shame on you for not attending at least one of the 25 or so meetings.

We are having continuing meetings in Venango.  If you honestly want to know the answers to your questions, attend one of them and ask all the questions you want.


You replied to a post that I had for pump jack. You interjected yourself into the conversation by telling us that you got landowners in Mercer county a lease for $3850/18.5%.  Go back and read your post....It said nothing about a 6 percent fee...nor did it mention that nobody had been paid as of yet.....

When I ask you any details of the lease....nothing complex...just the tell me I should be ashamed of myself for not attending your meetings......

Once again, answer some basic questions....What percent of royalty do you take?  What is the name of the drilling company??  Tell us about the addendum's...pugh clause??  If you have a good lease, this will be an opportunity to show case it to everyone.......

I will add if you are taking a percent of royalty.....I don't blame you for going on the is my belief that this is wrong...and  it will lead to a long unhappy relationship between you and the landowners involved.....

I got to know Jim over the last year, and to be blunt, i find that he is working for the groups. He makes a percentage off the upfront money, and there is nothing wrong with that. I had signed a lease with a friend, and i was losing money, when it expired, yep just talk, i immediately went to Jim, and i dont have a lease yet, but i believe in him, and so i think you are in error about him, your concern about him getting royalties is misleading, and he even recommends you get a lawyer  independently before signing a lease. Give it a rest. He is a good man.


The 6% is on the initial bonus only. Nothing on the royalty. We would not have signed if there were a % on the royalties.

It was posted on GMS that the company is Halcon.

As for your other questions - I suggest you go to a meeting. We did and the questions you are asking should be answered. They have 2 scheduled in Aug. (see ) for Venango county.

We went with friends, family and neighbors in Mercer county. Not high pressure and plenty of time for us to talk to each other so that each of us could make or own decission.

A couple hours at one meeting and you will have first hand information and contacts to move forward with. This is a great site but It could take months to get all of your answers on here.

Again, I promote no one. I do encourage exploring all options with an open mind. Other than cx, what other options are there in Venango? Anyone with the info please post.


You signed the lease and you don't know the name of the company?  "It was posted on GMS that the company name is Halcon?"  

"Family Man"  Give me a a break....  "He makes a percentage of the up front money, and there is nothing wrong with that"  You signed a lease with a friend and it was loosing money????   

I asked Jim if there was a percent of royalty charge??..he has yet to answer...I also asked the name of the drilling company??...I did get an answer from someone who signed the lease that they read on here that it was Halcon...LOL

I am asking a few simple basic questions that ANYONE WHO SIGNED THE LEASE SHOULD HAVE ASKED... Tell us about the addendum's?

As a matter of fact, i see nothing wrong with that, and if you do, stop trying to gleen the information and go out and get your own lease. A real estate agent typically charges 6% commission for selling your home. You should be able to do better than that person because you know your home better, right, but most people recognize they are not adequately trained, knowledgeable , and are not able to market the home. Same story here. And yes, when i gave a lease to a friend, i was going to get 2750/acre, and he was getting above that. If Jims group takes 6% i still get more. Further, i lost money, because time is money, and my friend wasted my time for months. Oddly enough, Jim and i met over lunch, and he shared with me all the information that you are upset over, except who the company was.... If you are curious, go to one of the meetings. I am disappointed that there wasnt that much said at the meeting, but i guess i felt Jim already answered my questions, and his paperwork answered the rest of my questions.

Did I say I did not know the name of the company we signed a lease with? No. You made a wild assumption. Of course I knew or would not have signed.

My point was that it has been on GMS as public knowlege for nearly 2 months with a fair amount of detail. If you would do your own homework you would have known. Nope, want everyone to do it for you...LOL

Jim, familyman,

Good luck if you continue with Mr. Thompson. I'm done. I feel we have tried to help and hope that we are helping those that are reading but not posting.

Something about this Venango county group. TONS more negativity here than surrounding county groups.

Great thing about the internet - you can type into this little box and KNOW that you are the smartest man/woman in the room. HA Well some people need that.

I'm out!

Don't question Jim's lease. Go to the meeting. Don't ask if Jim gets a royalty percent. Don't ask about the addendum's. Drink the koolaide and shut up. 

Mark; this is why I do not take the time to answer your questions. I have said the meetings are open to all and we will answer any and all questions there yet you distort the issue with this comment and others. Most all of your questions have been answered on this site by me or other people, often several times and you choose to ignore them.

You obviously have an agenda. Rather than engage in a helpful discussion, you just try to manipulate people's answer to fit your agenda. Worse, you are reduced to ridiculing others when they don't play along with your game.  If ridiculing people is part of your business plan then I wish you luck as you will need it.

It has been over a month, anyone out there have some updates for the leases signed by MSLG??   



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