Has there been any other lease offers lately, other than Rex?? What is Rex offering, to those of you who have been approached?

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Rex was offering 1500/15%, I also heard of a 750 offer in the Pittsfield area.  Rex has pulled all offers in Warren County, said they might be back in 4th quarter.  I think they were just cherry picking bargains since they already have so much under HPB/old leases.

Some people signed at the 1500/15 (personally confirmed) and the landman said Rex met their goal of 2000 ac (if you want to believe them).

Several landowners have joined the WPA landowners group.  With Range drilling Utica in Cochrantown, activity is moving closer. 

We also had an offer from Rex, 15%/1500. We didnt sign though. Thought it was a little early in the game and wanted to see what happens. They recently plugged a well on my land that was no longer producing. We'll see what happens next.


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