Surging Natural Gas Prices

How are the surging natural gas prices affecting drilling this year, and what about going into 2022?  Are the gas companies taking advantage of these higher prices?  What`s next?

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    In Northwestern PA is the home of the oil industry started in the 1800`s.  These are conventional type wells although I`m not certain how deep they are drilled.  Do these wells produce associated gas too?  If so, are they having an impact on local gas prices?  Could this gas impact prices in Central PA?  Does Seneca Resources have oil wells near the Allegheny National Forest or near it?

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    So many global events to impact natural gas pricing in Pennsylvania, what`s next?  A hot summer would be nice...

    An early summer is hitting Pennsylvania now and probably New York, too.  Turn on your A/C everyone.

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    Looks like natural gas price is creeping forward this week.  Has it bottomed yet?
