This article asks some very good questions about the very vague Pa laws on forced pooling.  Laws passed 50-60 yrs ago when no one had any idea that horizontal drilling would change the game.

You need to scroll down to pooling article.

The state legislature needs to update the laws to account for the new technology but they will not touch this subject with a 1,000' pole  Way too controversial for spineless reps to tackle. 

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Thanks again for a very thoughtful post.

People who read this should understand that many, if not most laws, written that govern oil and gas development were written many years ago; and in many instances decades ago. Those laws were written to deal with oil and gas development at the time they were written and enacted. Anyone that believes that those laws should not be updated is not being intellectually honest.

As the article suggests, updating the laws regarding oil and gas development is in the best interest of all stakeholders; companies and landowners alike.

The sad point in all of this, with regard to the Hilcorp situation, is that the landowners objecting to oil and gas development of their property, used this situation to promote their business (a golf course). This was never about landowner rights; it was about self promotion for a struggling business (my opinion). In objecting to the development of their property, the landowners in this case weakened the position of all landowners with legitimate reasons for objecting to development of their property for oil and gas development.

This is an opinion based forum and that is my opinion.

Thanks again Jim, for a thoughtful post.

Did I interpert this article correctly that the companies would have to submit evidence on how far there frac was evective?
If so there is no way they will willingly do that as I understand the law they can drill a Marcellus well right to the line fence
Kinda be like shooting themselves in the foot wouldn't it?
Or maybe because its the Utica the same numbers couldn't be used in the Marcellus ?

I think it's more of an issue of being able to develop as much property, as possible,efficiently from one pad. Instead Hilcorp may have to work from two or more pads. Sadly this will increase the environmental impact.


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