Carroll County, OH

All things pertaining to leasing, drilling and production in Carroll County.

Lease Offers (view / add)

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  • Oscar A Addis Jr.

    Does anyone have any update on the Augusta well?

    They are laying pipe to the gas line and I do not know if they have even fracked yet.



  • Larry Jenkins

    the Augusta well was being fracked Sunday.  I hear its a great well!
  • melissa kiko

    thanks for negotating such a good lease for us. The SURE group board members did a wonderfull job.
  • Dan Harris

    They are back to work on a well south of Carrollton on RT. 43
  • craig fry

    has there been any problem with getting lease payments?
  • melissa kiko

    No there haven't been any problems. We received our check and alot of our neighbors have too. I asked the bank if there were any problems and they said all the checks they received from Rex Energy cleared without incident.
  • Missy Boardman

    Does anyone have any information/updates or rumors they've heard on how the Mangun well is doing in Augusta?
  • Mike h

    Comment by Mike h just now
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    I'm a little concerned because my neighbor across the street (who also joined SURE but in June) who signed with Rex Energy was turned down by Rex because "they were not part of SURE Group A and not in an area of interest".

    I joined SURE during the meeting at the High School Gym in May but was unable to sign at the June signing at the Fair grounds because I was out of town for work.

    We signed the lease agreement 3 weeks ago (delay was from Rex side, not ours) but I'm not sure where things stand.

  • Mike h

    Does anyone know anything about the North Coast Energy collection pipeline that passes through Union Township E-W just South of Canyon Road? It passes through our property based on an older easement. It was put in in 2003. I'm curious about whether it has unused capacity, etc. NorthCoast was purchased by Exco I believe.


    Also, was contacted by representatives of Chesapeake recently to see if they could have someone walk our property and flag for a pipeline - I told them we would not allow any of their people go on our property unless/until there was an agreement for an easement. From the sounds of it, this pipeline will be North-South. They were talking about coming from the Alamo road side (We front on Pebble).

  • Sylvia Charton

    I have 10 acres in Rose Township (Carroll County).  Is there an existing group that I can join that is looking at signing a lease agreement?
  • AT

    Landowner Group Meeting

    Friday, October 14, 2011 at 6:00 PM

    Wintersville Fire Hall

    St. Florain Hall

    286 Luray Drive

    Wintersville, Ohio 43953

    Dick Emens is working with this group and negotiating with the O&G

  • dr j


    I am sure some of you saw this.  Interesting read. 

  • Larry

    Does anyone know where the next dozen or so well sites will be in carroll county and why such a mystery. Most companies can tell you when where and how for at least the next five years.
  • Kim D

    Being a newcomer to this site, I've enjoyed the various discussion forums and insights from the participating members.  I'd like to echo the interest of the previous comment.  When this all began for us, we were informed that Rex Energy (whom we signed with) would have a designated "Warrior Prospect" page available on their website.  Nothing yet...if anyone from Rex sees this...we in Carroll County would truly appreciate any tidbits of information that you could toss us.  I understand that it is still very early in the game...and quite possibly (purely my own speculation) Rex and Chesapeake are in the process of sorting out future unit placements between the two...but, it seems that there is so much information flowing regarding many of the other counties in Ohio...and very little regarding Carroll.  My hopes here are to hear more regarding this county.  Any information would be greatly appreciated...Thank you in advance!

  • dr j

    News Release about a company headquartering in Carroll County.

  • karen brown

    to Mike on the pipeline issue  we have had national fuel install a pipeline on our property, they own Seneca and we are from Pa.  These people are great to work with.  You will not get an easement just for them walking your ground, but I would want it in writing when they will be performing that taskwithin a 2 week window, you don't want a bunch of people walking around your property for months.  These guys are just checking out the lay of the land it see if it is feasible to run a pipeline.  Becareful of Chesapeake and their contracts

  • fred ritchie

    does anyone know if any of the bucey wells are produceing yet if so how good

  • Mike h

    @Karen, I wasn't concerend that they would get an easement just walking around, I just don't see a need for random people I don't have a business arrangement with walking around our place. If they are serious then they will sit down to talk about an easement. If they are just walking around "kicking the tires" then I'm not interested.

  • brynmore


    could anyone tell me how long it was from the time that wishgard started showing up to the time some of you got a deal with a land owner group? ballbark. thanks  :)

  • Kim D article confirming positive 'going on's' here in Carroll County.

  • BuckeyeMom

    Article about the pipeline development in Carroll County...

  • Daniel Riemenschneider CPA

    Forum on tax, legal, estate and investment implications of oil & gas leases.  Free and open to the public - Saturday February 25, 2012 at 10 am at St John's Villa - The Gathering Room 701 Crest Street, Carrollton, Ohio.  Brief presentations and open for questions and answers.

    Speakers include:

    Dave Groves, Tax Partner and Dave Supelak, Sr. Tax Manager of Bruner-Cox LLP, Canton, Ohio

    Attorneys from Parker Leiby Hanna & RasnickLLC

    Tom Jackson of Tom Jackson Commerical Realty

    Investment Advisors


  • PMD

    is there anywhere on line that I may check the size of a well pad and what leased land is involved?

    I have the API and location. Carroll Co, Ohio

    thank you

  • Babs

    Chesapeake has approached me last week, we have a small amount of acreage in Carroll County (16 Acres).  They're requesting to to amend the current contract we signed with Eric Petroleum as unit size is not accomadating to their drilling unit of 1000+ acres.  Our contract states that our property cannot be included in a unit that  exceeds 800 acres, I inquired about amending the royalty percentage as well to my best interest since I know my neighbors is slightly higher.   They are not willing to negotiate.  Comtemplating on signing the amendment.   But I don't want to cut my nose off to spite my face.  

  • Cantigua

    Hi Babs---unless you are willing to seek legal advise as to getting out of your old contract and renogating a new one-pricey---I'd just want to try to get acres down to 650---if not-----I'd say go ahead and sign---that's just me---just sayin'.


  • Babs

    It's my understanding the more acres in the unit, the more wells to be drilled (6 total).  Chesapeake advises they want 1000 units to allow for 6 wells. My initial thinking was, I'd sign the amendment if they were willing to negotiate the royalty %.  I'd say for someone with 100+ acres they would have more leverage than my 16.2 acres.  Thanks for the input.   

  • Utica Shale


     1) Consider starting a "Discussion Thread" instead of "Commenting on the Wall". Click on the "+ Add a Discussion" link just above the "Comment Wall" text and start a new Thread. It will be much easier for every to follow, reply and review especially in the future.

     2) Maybe, require the driller agree to drill all 6 wells within a 24 month period, if they require you increase to 1,000 Acre PU. You don't want them to drill 1 well and then Hold all 1,000 acres by Production for next 10 years.


  • Babs

    Aaah, I see +Add Discussion.  Thank you, sorry about that!    

  • Billy Park Whyde

     Whats going on in your woods?  The Girl Scouts Selling Camps?

    I wonder how many acres they are talking? With Oil and Gas leases going higher than $5000 per acre and flat out land sales with mineral rights through the roof I think something is amiss on this. If one scout camp was to lease and have full royalty of the well at 20% they could just about build a real cushy camp site hot tubes included!

  • Oscar A Addis Jr.

    We are in the process of estate planning.  One of the first steps is to get the mineral rights evaluated.  Are there any appraisers qualified to appraise mineral rights for estate planning?  Any information would be helpful.

  • Denver Gallentine

    Oscar, we had some land in WV appraised for mineral rights value. The company is hartpetro global. Phone took 1month and cost $5000 for 122 acres. If you want more info you can email me Hope this helps. Denver
  • Bill Huggins

    i am getting conserned about my water now not from fracking but from people selling water wrights . it is happening around me . gas companies are drilling water wells now and that is damn well going to lower our water table for sure . wake up people we lived with out oil and gas but sure as hell cant live without water . fracking has nothing to do with this matter. think about it. thanks

  • Larry Moore

    Bill H.  -   If CHK or anyone associated with O&G is drilling wells to draw water from the ground for their industrial purposes they MUST!

    Apply for Ohio EPA permit.

    I agree with you and will fight any attempt to draw ground water above the Big Injun.

    Ohio EPA MUST post a notice in the local paper requesting citizen response.

    I haven't noticed any such legal, but then, again, I don't always read the FPS.

  • Mark Baker

    Hello all, I have been a member of this site for quite a while, and have noticed there are a lot of people who are looking for an attorney, or law firm, that can actually help them with complex issues related to everything oil and gas, but especially regarding mineral ownership and leasing. I wanted to let anyone who is interested know that I can put them in touch with a law firm who specializes in oil and gas in the Marcellus and Utica Shale plays.  This firm has helped people in WV and OH alike, if you are interested feel free to message me for their info. Hope this can help some people out there with the issues they may be having.

  • Gary Palmer

    Production reports have been released on the Sturat Henderson,Houyouse and the White wells in Lee Twp. Very impressive on all 3. These are posted web site

  • Rose Paratto

    What are the pink flags for on 332 south of Carrollton?

  • Babs

    @ Rose Paratto - I do believe for seismic testing.   Today 2/10 they were actively testing in Monroe Township, they were working on rt. 39 and had the road down to one lane. 

  • Kris Smith

    Are there plat maps of pooled units online and if so can someone direct me to them?

  • Back Country

  • Kris Smith

    thank you

  • Shower Bath

  • Shower Bath

    Chesapeake has decided to settle out of court with the city of Arlington TX, rather than lose in court. See the link.....


  • TM

  • bo boboski

    Has the Stropki pad ever been built near Amsterdam? I see CHK. just got another permit for it.

  • bo boboski

    Are there anyone still on this site from Carroll county? Never hear from this group anymoreNow that everyone is in a drilled unit. Silent!

  • bo boboski

    Anyone in Carroll co. know what's going on with the Stropki wells down near Amsterdam?