This week a Senator revealed a new EPA set of regulations which include the study of "fracking" in the Utica, Marcellus, and other shale formations around the country. Coal is not the only mineral under attack by this administration. They are to go into effect right after the election, according to the Senator's report.  For those of you that want to keep your chances of receiving royalties the reason to vote against Obama is more important then ever. Please vote!!! This play will be shut down. 

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OMG- and Romney never changes his view. Only everytime he changes his socks...

Rick, Samuel is not cursing his good fortune he is sick of Obama and the Demorats waisting the middle class hard earned taxpayers dollars on failed goverment programs that produce more food stamps than jobs.

Back to the discussion topic. Some unknown senator revealed some unknown rules so we are to vote for Romney.  I need more info if this is another game changer like Trump's October surprise. I too am going to recieve a large bonus. If I really think Romney is going to lower taxes for me I will vote for him because it will amount to a lot of $. At this point it is just another political promise. In other words BS.

And Elnathan, I suppose hunter has had a direct inside discussion with romney and romney said he will block those rules even though they will be put in place next week.. and he will do this all while romney is lowering your taxes... seems to be his answer for everything... gun violence: lower you taxes so there are less single mothers, foreign trade : lower taxes so we can buy more of whats made in this country.. if you can find anything, abortion? lower taxes so we can close clinincs, health care? lower taxes so you can afford to buy your own... get rid of social security? look at all the money you will save by not paying payroll taxes.. invest that into the stock market and make a killing like warren buffett.. we will all be billionaires... no plan for anything laid out, just lower taxes and everything else will trickle down... havent we seen what romney wants to trickle down on the middle class?

@ Jason....And i would say that a lot of democrats and libertarians are sick of the republicans wasting the middle classes hard earned taxpayer dollars on stupid crap like going to war because of lies and fabricated photos and information, Also wasting the lives and childrens lives of the hard working middle class and the poor in these useless wars that only provide a winfall for the corporations and stockholders that manufacture weapons and materials of war and then ultimately the contractors that rebuild the devistated area.  A lot of people including republicans would like to see "nation building" right here at home. Our infrastructure continues a path of disrepair, while we blow up foreign cities and then rebuild them with all new stuff, only to have us or them blow it up again. THATS a waste!You do know, I hope, that the previous administration insisted that as part of the nation building and  recovery effort of Iraq, that universal health care be implimented there with free access for everyone.... hows that go over with you?

Rick, I think you mean religion building not nation building. Onward christian soldiers! Destroy Islam! Waste money in an unwinable war. I am disappointed that Obama didn't pull us out of Afghanistan after we killed BinLaden. Never the less the whole thing is a waste of my money.

America is in the arms business, business is good.  I have freinds that were top brass in the military and homeland security and a few that work for large defence contractors.  Everyone of them has told me they are writing in clowns or toons as their vote for president this election day.  This is very sad.

From Fox news: "Virginia had nearly 42,000 total requests in 2008, compared with a little  more than 12,000 this year, according to the MVP Project. Ohio had more than  32,000 in 2008, compared with 9,700 this year. The number of military  voters specifically -- as opposed to military and overseas voters -- was not  broken down in the latest set of statistics, but military-only numbers released  by the MVP Project in August documented a similar drop-off in  applications.

At the time, military ballot requests in Virginia were down 92 percent.  Several other states showed a precipitous drop since 2008, including Alabama,  North Carolina and Florida."

Read more:

What is the pulse of American politics?  Who woulda thought the latest Rasmussen poll would now show a tie, but the latest NPR poll shows Romney up +1?

Rick, try some different news sources other than MSNBC. The current adminstration showed its true appreciation for military service when on July 17 the Obama for America Campaign, the Democratic National Committe and the Ohio Democratic Party filed suit in that swing state to strike down part of a state law govering voting by members of the military that gives them three extra days to cast their ballots. The Democrats objected that it discriminated against nonmilitary.

@ Jason... huh?   its easy for any military personel to vote ... plenty of ways, plenty of time, they are encouraged to do so by their squad leaders...


This nickel - and - dime approach to disenfranchisment was used by then - presidential candidate Al Gore. The unsuccessful Democrat candidate had his lawyers disqualify ballots from military personnel overseas.


Political positions of Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As a candidate for governor of Massachusetts in 2002,[44] and later as governor,[45] Romney prioritized policies that would promote energy conservation and reduce environmental pollution. He said that he was "absolutely committed" to renewable energy and that "I think the global warming debate is now pretty much over and people recognize the need associated with providing sources which do not generate the heat currently provided by fossil fuels."[46]

Campaigning for the governorship, he argued in support of measures such as imposing higher taxes onSUVs to help reduce auto emissions and conserve energy; revitalizing urban neighborhoods using fees charged to developers for cutting down trees in suburban areas; and doubling the rate of cleanup ofbrownfield lands.[44]

In his first 100 days in office as governor, he proposed expansion of the beverage container deposit law (bottle bill), a switch by state government agencies to the use of environmentally friendly cleansers, and clean up of the state's “Filthy Five” power plants.[47]He appointed a prominent environmentalist, Douglas Foy, to oversee energy development, transportation, housing, and environmental affairs.[47] Foy helped develop an energy and environment plan that included 72 public and private initiatives,with a goal of deriving 15 percent of the state’s electricity from renewable sources such as wind, solar, and nonpolluting fuel cells by 2020, and of reducing greenhouse gas emissions of state agencies by 25 percent. The plan also proposed to impose strictemissions standards on older power plants and sought to substantially reduce soot emissions from diesel buses, trucks, and heavy construction equipment.[45]

Arguing for environmental protection regulations in 2003, Romney said that "if the choice is between dirty power plants or protecting the health of the people of Massachusetts, I will always come down on the side of public health."[48] He insisted that a coal power plant not delay in meeting tough emissions standards even at the cost of losing jobs: "I will not create jobs or hold jobs that kill people.... And that plant, that plant kills people."[41]

As governor, he also argued for limits on oil and gas drilling in order to protect the environment. In his state of the Commonwealth address in January 2005, Romney said, “I'm concerned about the preservation of our natural resources. I will file legislation to protect our oceans from off shore drilling and commercial development. The oceans should not be up for grabs like some Wild West land rush.”[49] He signed into law a bill to protect against oil spills and to increase penalties for polluters.[41][50]

He pursued policies to make greater use of carpooling and public transit, and sought tax credits to stimulate purchases ofhybrid and other more fuel-efficient vehicles.[51][52]

Romney argued that tax policy should be used to promote energy conservation. When his lieutenant governor supported a temporary suspension of the state gasoline tax to provide consumers some relief during a period of especially high gasoline prices in 2006, Romney rejected the proposal, arguing that maintaining the tax would help encourage energy conservation: “I don’t think that now is the time, and I’m not sure there will be the right time, for us to encourage the use of more gasoline.... I am very much in favor of people recognizing that these high gasoline prices are probably here to stay and that the appropriate action for us to take is to find ways to find fuel conservation.”[53]

He highlighted support for government investment in developing sources of renewable energy, such as wind and solar, early in his administration,[54][43] although he opposed a proposal that would have sited a wind farm in Nantucket Sound off Cape Cod, where he said the visual impact would be detrimental to the state's tourist economy.[46]

Romney initially supported aregional greenhouse gas cap-and-trade initiative for New England and eastern Canada,[55] but he ultimately withdrew his support when he was unable to ensure establishment of certain limits on the penalty fees businesses would be charged for exceeding emissions allowances.[56] A week later, his administration issued a rule allowing companies to pay a fine instead of having to clean up emissions of toxins like mercury.[57] Both decisions were made as Romney announced he would not run for a second term as governor and began to focus on entering the 2008 presidential campaign.[57] Some former Romney policy advisors later told the New York Times that his political team had been afraid that, with industry being opposed to the cap-and-trade proposal, Romney's having included Massachusetts in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative would have made Romney's chance of winning a presidential campaign very unlikely.[41]


As governor of Massachusetts, Romney favored use of economic stimulus measures using both federal funding and state funding to help lift a sluggish state economy. Just months into his tenure as governor, in April 2003, while he shied away from any public endorsement of the tax cuts proposed by the Bush Administration, he argued for federal funds to stimulate the local economy: "I very much support an economic stimulus.... An economic stimulus is a good thing for Massachusetts."[132] That same year, he proposed his own economic stimulus package of tax credits and grants to promote the state's high technology industry, ultimately totaling $100 million when agreed to by the legislature.[133] Two years later, in February 2005, he proposed a much larger stimulus package, totaling $600 million, that he said would create 20,000 jobs over 5 years. The most controversial provision would have devoted $37 million to stimulate job creation by paying businesses $30,000 for each new employee hired.[133]

In January 2009, Romney supported the $750 billion economic stimulus package, stating that: "I think there is need for economic stimulus. Americans have lost about $11 trillion in net worth. That translates into about $400 billion a year less spending that they'll be doing, and that's net of additional government programs like Medicaid and unemployment insurance. And government can help make that up in a very difficult time. And that's one of the reasons why I think a stimulus program is needed.[134]

In May 2012, Romney said that the economic stimulus package that had ultimately been enacted in 2009 (theAmerican Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) had been a waste of money that did little to jump-start the economy, and that the federal government had inflated the numbers of jobs that had been created or preserved by the various projects funded through the stimulus program.[135]

Soon after the Republican victory in the 2012Wisconsin gubernatorial recall election, Romney criticized Obama's stimulus policy, saying that Obama "wants another stimulus, he wants to hire more government workers. He says we need more fireman, more policeman, more teachers. Did he not get the message of Wisconsin? The American people did. It's time for us to cut back on government and help the American people."[136]



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