Forum Discussions (8,971)

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What can NARO do for you?

National Association of Royalty Owners - Ohio Chapter NARO is a volunteer led, member based, 501(c)6 education and advocacy organization es…

Started by Daniel L Devitt in General Shale DiscussionsLatest Reply

What is OWS Acquisition Co LLC. purpose or operations?

  The Clinton well on my property was Enervest operating and then looks like it was spun off to OWS Acquisition Co LLC.  The small royalty…

Started by tacoma7583 in General Shale DiscussionsLatest Reply

Thank you

Many thanks for keeping this posted Keith. A vital service to us all. Dan

Started by daniel cohen in General Shale DiscussionsLatest Reply

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Lithium Extraction - a Conundrum for Environmentalists

First, let’s address the elephant in the room. Fossil fuel-based industries and the products they are used to create are not going away in…

Started by john w. howard in General Shale Discussions

1 yesterday
Reply by paleface

Is Nuclear War Eminent? Energy Publications Reveal a Legitimate Threat

Most of you are likely too young to remember the “duck-and-cover” drills American schoolchildren practiced during the 50’s and 60’s. This w…

Started by john w. howard in General Shale Discussions

0 yesterday

So…You Want to Ban Fracking? Better Think Twice

It seems each year we come closer and closer to a ban on hydraulic fracturing. For the first time ever, we have a Presidential candidate w…

Started by john w. howard in General Shale Discussions

0 yesterday

The Utica Shale - Its Economic Impact as to Ohio and Carroll County in Particular

  The following is a transcript from a speech I delivered to the Carroll County (OH) Regional Planning Commission during 2012.    Good eve…

Started by john w. howard in General Shale Discussions

0 on Saturday

the Marcellus Shale - Its History and Importance to Both Appalachia and America

Devonian black shale exists throughout Appalachia and is especially prevalent in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia. It is the basis for…

Started by john w. howard in General Shale Discussions

0 on Saturday

Surprise! Chesapeake Energy is Back on Top Again

Everybody knows the oil and gas business is a roller-coaster ride. I know of no other industry which has such highs and lows, of boom or b…

Started by john w. howard in General Shale Discussions

0 on Saturday

Where's the Re-Fracking Craze?

A friend of mine in Carroll County, OH was fortunate enough to have six wells drilled on his property by Chesapeake. When I talked to him…

Started by john w. howard in General Shale Discussions

0 on Saturday

Evaluating a Potential Shale Prospect

Today’s discussion involves evaluating or rating any existing or potential shale prospect. There are a number of important factors to consi…

Started by john w. howard in General Shale Discussions

0 on Saturday

Do Mineral Rights Inherited Intestate Really Belong to the One Who Inherited Them?

Ascent stopped our royalties saying it's unclear if mineral rights inherited intestate are really ours.  They were inherited thru a will by…

Started by keepthefaith in General Shale Discussions

6 on Thursday
Reply by Heidlebergman

Encino (EAP) Economic Calculation Summaries??

in the applications for the unitizations they list Economic Calculation Summaries,   are these numbers based purely on on gas or does it in…

Started by tacoma7583 in General Shale Discussions

0 Feb 11


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