Site Guidelines

THE VIEWS EXPRESSED, by any member(s), ON have not been officially reviewed by any staff member, legal counsel, or moderator at (M). GMS is not intended to provide official professional advice which includes but is not limited to advice relating to legal, financial, accounting, tax or investment and shall not be relied upon in any way.


 As you use this forum, you agree that;


  1. You will not make any post which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any United States Federal law. You are responsible for anything posted under your profile name.
  2. Do not post disruptive off-topic responses: These forums are for and about Shale. We do, however, allow non-disruptive off-topic discussion in our forums as fitting with the community of posters who frequent them. A site user can see the title and decide if they want to participate. Any topics that are volatile are discouraged and can be removed at our discretion. The less connected to shale and energy the post is, the more likely it will be deleted and a warning issued. What is absolutely prohibited is posting a response/reply that does not directly relate to the original post. It's selfish and it disrupts the process of learning and networking.

  3. No name calling, we aren't 2nd graders.
  4. Cursing includes usage of any form of a four letter word. I.E., S**t, F*ck etc, are still considered curse words.
  5. Any solicitation on GMS is strictly prohibited. This includes solicitation via any forum post, county group post, blog post, comment wall post, image upload, profile name or intra-site message. There is zero tolerance for unauthorized solicitations and spamming in forums or through the system. Soliciting includes veiled commercial posts. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden.
  6. Specifics on soliciting. The posting of a website, email, phone number or address will be considered a solicitation. Promoting the activities of a company is considered soliciting. Permitted sites include news & blogs (chiefly educational), non-profits & government agencies. Also, utilization of one's profile photo or name to promote a biz is prohibited.
  7. However, we do reserve the right to delete and forbid solicitation if we deem it to be against GMS' best interest.
  8. Site administrators do NOT confirm the validity of any post. Please remember that we do not actively monitor posted messages 24/7 and are not responsible for the content posted.
  9. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information posted. The posted messages express the views of the poster, and not the views of this GHS staff.
  10. Anyone who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to notify a moderator of this forum at Please send the link to the violating post to the admin's email.
  11. We reserve the right to remove objectionable content, within a reasonable time frame.
  12. You remain solely responsible for the content you post.
  13. Furthermore, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the owners of this forum.
  14. When choosing your profile name, we advise that you keep the name appropriate, clean, non-commercial. If you wish to remain anonymous, we encourage you to not use your real name.


In the spirit of better moderating, those who have been issued a warning will be notified through the GMS' intra-site email. A second violation, within 6 months from the first, results in a permanent suspension of their GMS account and IP address. GMS reserves the right to diverge from this policy if warranted-a warning is not gauranteed. 

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