Does anyone have an update on the Marchand Unit in North Mahoning Township.  One unit is producing and four additional permits are on the books.

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Sounds like good advice, OT...can a company like Infinity or others be a front leasing company for one of the majors?   I understand the lease from Dominion at the Oakford Station for drilling under the storage area covers formations from the Tully Lime and below.   I think the Marcellus formation is beneath the Tully Lime.  I also believe the Tully Lime formation is approximately 7,050' below the land surface.  Thanks OT!

In today`s CNX Resources 4Q report they mention the Shaw 1G well and others on the pad are suspended due to a pressure anomaly while fracking this well.   What will this mean for the well or area?  Is it an indication of a fault?

From a CNX employee , CNX bought foreign 5.5" casing ,cheapened  cement job and during fracking the well  casing split around 2,000 feet therefor pressuring up the shallow formations in the area.

Sounds like a self-inflicted problem!! What will they do now? How will this impact their Utica program in CPA?

Harpo & OT -  what can CNX do now?   What if the other Shaw Utica wells have this same 5.5" pipe installed?   What is the ultimate danger to the shallow formations?

So how about if you were a senior executive at CNX and are now confronted by the huge decision whether to roll the dice and attempt to frack the 3 other wells (assuming Harpo's comment is confirmed and the pipe/annular concrete is suspect on these wells also) or to play it safe by abandoning the whole pad at a huge loss (maybe as high as $30 million)? 

If it were me, I would apply the lessons learned from the Shaw Pad and apply them to future completion designs on the next pad, the MMS 1 pad, and future pads.

Sadly, all the efforts put forth by the CNX team to register their 5th high producing Utica well in Westmoreland county might have been sunk by going a bit cheap on completion design.  Sorta like when I try to save a few bucks by buying stuff from Wal-Mart or Harbor Freight..

Ouch!   Any opinions on what this event will have on CNX`s Utica program in Central PA?   

Have you ever seen or heard of something like this happening?

Thanks, not wanting to speculate too much, if this is the case, how would the 5.5" pipe have been breached?   Do these pipes have threaded or weld joints?   Could the wall of the pipe have ruptured from excessive pressure?   Is this well dead now or can it be restored?  Will CNX share their results with the industry?   Will the shallow gas formation go back to a normal state or is it contaminated forever?

Murphy's Law applies to working in the Oil Field "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong". If what I was told is true the threaded 5.5" casing split/ruptured at approximately 2000' feet.The combination of pressure, poor cement bond & defective casing may have caused this issue. The major concern with the shallow wells was that the formation pressure exceeded the maximum operating pressure of the wellhead fittings, therefor they needed to be vented & flared. The shallow formations should be fine and if anything may have helped them. As mentioned by others "way to early to speculate", but it is a mess. 

OT - it sounds like gas companies are prepared for events like this one, and have plans in place to respond to it.  What is meant by remediation?   Could the flow back water travel with natural migration of gas to the surface?   It could also be a problem with landowners who receive free gas with their leases.   Wouldn`t the deep gas have a higher BTU value then the shallow gas causing problems for heating systems in houses?   Would insurance cover the liability cost for CNX including loss of the well plus all cost for clean-up?

Thanks OT - which is the greater contamination problem...water pumped into the well for fracking or the flow back water from the shale?  Is there is a different degree of contamination?   I suspect any water in the shallow gas formation is not good.  Can the flaring operation monitor the amount of water contamination coming through any particular shallow well?   I suspect normal water amounts in the shallow gas flow can be compared to current amounts after the spill, and then monitored through-out the flaring process.   Does that sound right?


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