Reasons why the U.S. dollar may lose its "Reserve Currency Status!!! Sooner rather than later....

The attached link may be one of the most interesting outline of why the U.S. Dollar is about to lose

its reserve currency status.  My question is what effect will this have on the importance of natural gas and natural gas prices. The video show in this link detailed what I already knew was happening when Russia and China have already gotten together with other countries to replace the dollar as the worlds reserve currency but also revealed other aspects of how the countries of the world are reacting to this information.

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Mike,were you an air traffic controller in a previous life,by any chance? ;-/

 That's good.

Mike is right, Reagan was not the man many seem to think he was, but then I suspect that many of the people who think he was so hot are unaware that as Governor of Commiefornia he signed into law a bill that outlawed the open carry of handguns.  All these Presidents and their pals in Congress have been good for the banksters and globalists and bad for us ordinary folks.

Hanoi Jane never voted for Reagan, because she agrees with the communist wing of the Democratic party.

 Ronald Reagan picked the United States up and brought back honor and pride after the total mess Jimmy Carter made of this country and made the strongest economy I have ever seen to date. We need some one to do the same thing now.

If we ever needed a miracle,now is the time.

 This mess could take four years just to clean it up.

IMO that's the Progressive Communists game plan. Obama/Reed/Pelosi have succeeded in this regard. Their ultimate goal is to destroy this great nation. So much damage has been done and Congress has shown it's impotence in regard to protecting the Constitution by it's inaction,allowing POTUS to rule in such a dictatorial fashion. His pen and cellular phone have been allowed to overrule the Constitution without limit. Dangerous precedents have been established which threaten our very existence as a Republic! GOD HELP US!

This discussion was meant to evaluate the effect of the fact that the US dollar was facing losing its position of being the reserve currency of the world and how that might effect natural gas prices.  It has revolved or dissolved into a discussion about politics in general.  We could talk forever about whose fault or what political party caused the problem.  The facts are what they are...this country is broke and we keep spending more and more and printing more and more money.  Praying for miracles is one answer but that works about just as well as "Please don't hurt me!!.. when the situation results in riots in the street or when the crazy people like those fighters in Syria get bigger and more power and money.

I personally do not see a resolution to our financial problem as a nation mainly because our system is corrupt and the people in charge are corrupt, until that changes the foxes are in charge of the hen house and the chickens are in big trouble.   But assumming that the culture and morals change and we want to pay off most of our national debt we might have to do what any of us would do in the same situation if we owed more than we could pay.  If we had hard assets we would have to sell them to pay our debts.  The United States has trillions ofdollars tied up in some of the best real estate in the world.  We could sell that real estate to United States citizens and companies only, liquidate all or most of our debt, mandate balanced budgets and move on, but unless we changed the culture and morals and get the foxes out of the chicken house it won't fix the problem.   Maybe their is light and the end of the tunnel......or is that a train, it is hard to tell from here!!!!      or as one of the more learned comments said...

is that a White Swan or a Black Swan.....time will tell.

Meanwhile ISIS has become the latest diversion to take our eye off the real ball! I don't know the answer but I smell Revolution in the air.....

I've thought alot about this, the devaluation of the US dollar/loss of reserve currency status/inflation-they're all tied together. There is so much that can be written, but here are a few random thoughts-

It is indeed huge with our current political leaders, and the mounting debt, however I don't see that trajectory changing, Ron Paul I would have liked to have seen become president, but unfortunately that did not happen and its just kicking the can down the road as usual. Alot of people don't care about these issues and don't understand it...not to mention those that vote for a living rather than work.

I think having oil and gas holdings is a good position to be in...with gasoline prices, alot of people think they're high, but if you do research, adjusted for inflation, a gallon of gasoline has held pretty steady value for the most part over the years...its wages for most that haven't kept up...I think income from oil and gas stands a good chance of keeping up with inflation, aside from a big event happening, but even then, I feel they will recover-oil and gas are needed in everyday human life...

I think barring some big event, we are going to continue see the dollar losing its value slowly via inflation.

I think the absolutely worse thing is to have money in the bank and be living off it, and not working-its a big risk if something would happen, and even then your being robbed of the principle.

Stock market is too risky for me personally.

If you look at foreign companies buying up US companies...and Warren Buffet getting in the railroad move to have a revenue stream rather than money sitting around. 

An upside is there seems to be an uptick in "reshoring" of US manufacturing, and I think what's going on with the dollar is part of that. Still ALOT of foreign stuff coming in, and as its the industry I am involved in, there is alot of weakness in pricing and actually getting other business I know of is carrying about 1/4 million in past due invoices, about 6-8 employees to give you a idea of the size of the business...

I would say starting a business and building it up would be an excellent way to minimize risk, but with increasing government regulations and problems in finding employees among other things, I'm not so sure about much drama can you handle?

Hard assets...I think Gold and Silver are one area to be careful about...I am not so sure about stock in mining companies or silver and gold on paper...its also a risk. For the supposedly absolute lowest risk, having physical gold and silver on hand, you have to worry about theft-a couple years back, thieves carted off a safe with 50K near me. Also, don't forget fake gold and silver...not only do you have to be concerned about tungsten in your gold bars, on the low end, there are also fake Morgan and Peace dollars out there...and I agree about future problems in selling it and the value of can go down, as hard as its to believe...while its remote, for example, what if they find a place on the earth with very rich gold deposits and it drives the price down below what you paid and it stays there for a long time, can you handle it? Not very likely, but it is a risk....

Pretty much my conclusion is there is no bullet proof way to preserve earthly wealth, its prudent to try to be diversified to minimize risk, also I would get and stay out of debt if possible...good luck, look forward to reading others thoughts.

Regarding fake silver briefly:

Only way to hold silver for those with desire to do so is bags of old, worn, silver coins having no numismatic value.  This cuts risk of fake silver virtually to zero.

Still, for me personally, silver is "not my bag".  But if I ever jumped in, that's how I would do it.


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