Just curious...

     I am in Liberty township and a few months ago got an offer to buy my royalties for 1500 to 1800 per acre, but they would do a more in-depth look if I was serious which "mite change the numbers" slightly....even tho I am not drilled or receiving any royalties ..talked to a landsman rite b4 I contacted them and he advised caution as there will be "significant" activity in my area in the "near future"....how about it, anybody else get an offer or hear anything or see any activity here in Tioga Co. ?

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Jack this one I believe to be in production but not positive. It was flair a couple of months ago. It will be interesting to see the production #'s.


 That well is not in production yet, the plumming is about to start.it tested very good over 15mcft a day not bad for a Utica well in Tioga county.

Thanks paleface, since dep stopped giving depth on the permit reports it hard to track non-Marcellus wells. If anyone knows of any Burket or Utica/PP or TB wells I think everyone myself included would be grateful for people posting those. attached is a Burket


Josie, All of those Delmar HBP wells were Marcellus formation. I do not believe East drilled any other formation. Broadbent is the first Burket well in Delmar I believe. Delmar did have old Oriskany wells back in the day.I'm Really looking for wells drilled into the Utica/PP or deeper.

From what East Resources told me 4 years ago, the Kennedy well was never horizontally drilled, only vertical, and it had good pressure and potential. It may have changed since then, I don't live near it either.....

There are a lot of small wells planned and permitted in Shippen/Delmar township that may be bundled into super wells or 1280 ace unit sized vs the previous 640 acre maximum sized units.... just another rumor...

Generally speaking in geology terms,there is usually oil fields below natural gas fields, how big the oil pool is, the chemical footprint and marketability of it and the overall value to go after it, are all in the hands of the petroleum engineers and geologists with the individual companies...

 Shell is drilling a TBR/Utica 15000.00 + ft at the Neal pad now same as they did at the Gee pad,after that there doing the same at Cannan and Owlet pads.The C Gee TBR/Utica changed the whole plan for Shell for Tioga county,if the Neal well is anything like the C Gee well for the Utica I think the drilling rigs will be coming back.

This may be helpful to you. There is an available report on the PA DEP Oil and Gas website (I think it is a recent addition) titled "Oil and Gas Well Formation Report" Allows you to search for wells targeted at specific formations. I took a look at it, seems to have a few bugs and I don't really get some of the info it provides but you may find it useful.

Thanks Tom. That is new, now if they would include the well name it would be better.

Two important things to remember - first, the Burkett shale does have gas, but it hasn't been profitable yet in any well drilled in northern PA. Gas and commercial gas are two different things. Second, the Utica is very expensive to drill - I heard that the Gee well cost Shell roughly $20M. So even the test volumes someone quoted wouldn't necessarily be enough to make this one pay. My understanding is that Shell is still in the data collection phase with the Utica, and part of their motivation is trying to salvage some of the acreage they bought for Marcellus development but now find to be unprofitable. There's a chance it will work out and I'm certainly hopeful, but there's no firm evidence that the Utica will be economic at likely gas prices for the next few years.

 Jack the Gee well cost them 30 million it was a learning process.Shell hit very high pressures in the TBR which they were not ready to handle which ran the drilling price way up,the Utica was very high also.They learned from that experience and are doing things differently at the Neal pad which should lower cost,also it was not all dry gas.I'm very hopefull the Neal pad turns in similar numbers if it does break out the champagne.

We'll see - obviously we're getting our information from different sources.

Jack,shell had once said they felt the Burket was better the farther west you go. Still 1-2 million a day not going to do it. If prices were to move up( not in this decade ) a double stack marcellus/ Burket might get done even both being marginal. It may be Potter Co last hope.


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