Information about drilling activity, pipelines, etc. in Millwood Township.

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Does anyone know what Antero or Carrizo are offering to lease in Millwood Township

Jeff you may want to see who your neighbors are leased with.

Should be at least 10 grand now. I know quite a few people who got at least that ..  

Oil will be back up its all a political game in this bullshit society. Sad sad thing. They will offer large bonuses  still I think .. This is just temporary until the next war 

Anne you seem to be wise for a 30 year old realtor.  True all that you said

Ha you win. Peace out. 

Anyone know anything about plans for Quaker City?

Huge explosion at the Pora Well site last night .  Please pray for everyone involved.  I think at least one was life flighted to Akron. 

Please keep us updated.

Just heard the news about the Pora well.....any one know anything info on the injured workers?????


Did you see the new permits issued for the McClain well yesterday?  That should give you a smile :)

Here is a PDF file of the County Engineers report for the McClain well



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