Why is it so quiet here there has to be some news, lets share it and not keep it all to ourselves.  Seems to be plenty going on further south,  Was in Carlton earlier in the week and sam about 6 vehicles with Texas plates on and 3 with OK plates parked on court house square.

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I hope so! I'm on Housel Craft and haven't heard a thing! Wait for it...wait for it....

Same letter we all recieved. Last I heard, Mahoning County got $5800 per acre, and a higher percentage of royalties. It also doesn't say if royalties are gross or net. I am waiting to hear from ALOV. If you are not a member, talk to someone knowlegable before you sign anything. There is a lot at stake.

I talked to ALOV last week.  I will let them continue to talk for me.

I agree.  I did not know you were not in the group.  There is definately more power in a group.

Thanks, they sound like they are close, but Chesapeake is playing hard ball to keep the upfront money as low as possible. Even though they have paid more in other areas.

We all definitley need to take our time and get the most we can but my understanding(and I could be wrong) is that they base the money off of what they expect to earn off the wells in a particular area. Therefore, it can fluctuate from area to area within a certain amount. Again, just my two cents. You probably know more than I do.


I agree with Mark. It seems as if a group is best. The tough part is who do you talk with? There is a radio show on Radio 57 WKBN occasionally about the leasing process, and possibly some knowlegable people to contact. There are also podcasts of past shows you can listen to online. If you listen for a while, they come up with what seems to be good info and advice at times. The next show is this coming Wed evening. Get online for the scedule. The more info we can gather, the better decisions we can make. I am staying with ALOV, but new groups of good people will be starting up. Start asking around, and watch out for snake oil salesmen.

From the way our letter was addressed it looks like they may have pulled addresses from the auditors web site.

The letter does say "Royalties are paid to the landowner without any deduction for expenses resulting in more revenue."

We're with ALOV.


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