Hello everyone - Just thought I would post that the 2nd part of the reporting for 2013 is on DEP site today.

For anyone who does not have the link it is -- https://www.paoilandgasreporting.state.pa.us/publicreports/Modules/...


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I'm not getting this DEP website to work for me. Is anyone else having problems? Could it be the browser I am using? - internet explorer. I can use the Athorization Search on eFACTS just fine. Any ideas?

Hi Sherre
You should be able to look at it in any browser but at the way I look at it requires an application like Microsoft excel or Open Office (which is free). Essentially the way that I look at is I download the statewide production reports and it saves as a CSV file which is a comma delimited file ... A fancy name for a spreadsheet. Look for the statewide link to the left.
Once you have it open as a spreadsheet you can sort by the different columns (ie well name, township, county, production, days in production etc.)
It's fun to see where your well or wells stack up.

Does anyone have a brief summary of what is happening there?

I had same problem. Went to google chrome worked great. Now just have to figure out what H..Quantity or Quality means.. I understand what Gas production means. But G SUP Date theres just xxxxxx on mine. Thought maybe because it only went on line on Sept. 24 2013? Got numbers but need to find out how to understand them.

Column G gives the SPUD Date (basically the date drilling started) the xxxxxx indicates the column width does not allow full display of the info, just widen it and the date will display. Col. H gives the Gas Production in mcf and Col I is the number of days the well produced during the reporting period.

Col.H  mcf a day? 

Column H is the amount of gas produced for the number of days listed in column I.

Divide column H by column I to get the daily production

Sherrie, When I got a new computer using IE 11 or 12, I think, it is not compatible with the DEP's website. You have to add it to a compatibility list for your browser.   

I had difficulty as well using internet explorer with the DEP site, The County names would not popolate in the drop down box. Switched to Monzilla Firefox and that solved the problem.

Col H Total Mcf For The Number Of Days Listed In Column I

I must be dumb..sorry..so many ??? But if the site says 530608 mcf in H for 99days do I add 000 to that 530608? The reason I ask this is because 2 wks ago I received a email from the company I leased to and it said 4200mcf a day. I was told on here to add 000 to that. I do feel confused...

The well did 5,359,676.76 cubic feet a day in production donna.


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