Wonder how many lost their jobs with this merger.  The landman we were working with told us he was being let go at the end of Dec. Someone said on another thread that Antero let 300 people go at the end of the year also.  Anyone hear of cuts at any other drillers? Did AEU ever build the office in Cambridge?


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I wonder if some of the people Antero let go were support people that dealt with researching leases.....most everything should be leased already.

Not everybody leased yet!

Thanks Matt, I don't get down to Cambridge much and had not seen anything about the office in a while,  Good to know things are moving on as usual.  He was independent but had a contract with them from the start.  We had spent time and money with the lease and it was sent for approval and then nothing.

This merger was inevitable and likely planned from the beginning.

Would seem logical


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