I am a landowner in Guernsey County and part of a production unit with Anadarko. The property in question is near Indian Camp and surrounding area. I was told the unit would be 200 acres. Does anyone have any information on the status of this unit? I noted a few months ago that perhaps Chesapeake had a production unit near Indian Camp and I wondered whether this may have been confused with the Anadarko unit of which I am a part. Any insight would be appreciated.

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Thanks Jeff

I would be interested to hear from other landowners who may be a part of this production unit. It is in Knox Township near Indian Camp in Guernsey County and supposedly consists of 200 acres. The driller is Anadarko. Perhaps if we can network we can all benefit from more information or insight into Anadarko's plans and timetable.

About three weeks have passed since my last inquiry but I would ask again "Are there any other landowners from Knox Township in Guernsey County on this forum? If so, I would be happy to hear from you. Thanks."


Google Ohio state department of natural resources Utica shale well activity in ohio, 2010-present. It should lead you to a map of horizontal wells. Its not much but I hope it helps.

Drill, thanks for the information. I have not been able to locate the well you speak of on the materials from ODNR that I have reviewed. I have also seen reports that Chesapeake has a production unit and future well site in that relative same area, so I don't know if the one you speak of is Chesapeake or perhaps the Anadarko site I am looking for. So much of this is like looking for needles in haystacks. But, thanks for your help, it is appreciated.

Drill, thanks again, this is the most helpful link I've found and I will follow the activity on this site regularly. By the way, the well you noted above on Indian Camp Run Road, do you happen to know who the driller is on that one? Indian Camp Run Rd is only a couple of miles from my property in Knox Township. Again, your help is appreciated.



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