I am in the Asunction west unit in Jefferson county.  According to the ODNR well locator map the 6h bottom hole stops under my property.  It shows it drilled.  Their is another lateral next to me. the 8h. But on the ODNR map it shows the 8h deleted.  On the producing list it shows the 6h deleted.  I received a declaration of a polled unit from Chesapeake and it shows the 6h as if i am going to receive royalties from it. I know there was a problem with this well and I was wondering if anyone could help me clear this up.  Chesapeake wanted me to allow them to increase the unit size from 640 to 1280 acres. something just does not seem right.  could anyone help me understand this?  thanks

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The 8H well was not drilled and was cancelled. The 1H 6H and 3H wells have all been drilled and completed so far.

There must be a mistake on that list where they show all the wells. Because it shows the 6H being deleted. Thanks for the reply. Chesapeake has contacted me three times about increasing the unit size. I don't know what that's all about. Since they do not want to offer any compensation I told them no.

"Since they do not want to offer any compensation I told them no."

You've done all you need to.  Never give them anything for free.  You can give the landman a cup of coffee when he visits, but that's all I'd give 'em.

Marcus, TM ,   I When I purchased this property I inherited a lease from a not so wise person.  He had 4,700 acres all combined into 1 lease.  so I was HBP from the start.  Knowledge is power.  I sign on here every day and try to educate myself.  Although I cannot change what has been signed in the past, I sure can make intelligent decisions about what is to come.   Thanks


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