
When asked about the suggestions by some people in online forums of the potential impact of fracking fluid, Kacprzyk said the composition of such fluids in Pennsylvania wasn’t known. “My guess there is if you don’t know something, is that there’s no scientific proof to that. … I would find it amazing that it had that kind of effect,” he said.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/02/10/pennsylvanias-purple-squi...

omg not purple squirrels whats next chartreuse ground hogs.... 

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Probably photo-shopped.

Photoshop all the way.  Someone just looking for their "15 minutes of fame"...

This is sick humor, what anti gas people won't do to get attention.  If your such an environmentalist it is quite evident you did not care what you did to the poor squirrel.  Why not implicate yourself and dye yourself purple and submit a picture then we would all know how desperate you are to slam the gas industry  GET REAL

 The story does not say if the squirrel was taken into the custody by the PA  Division of Wildlife as it is wildlife. It doesn't even say if the critter was still alive or not. 

heard they released it so how knows. the story soundes like a bunch a bs anyway. ill start to worry when all the animal turn purple. or what ever else mutations they say will happen



karen, you ain't seen nothing yet. e.l.f. will be making a comeback.   they burned the allegheny forest nationa; hardwood laboratory aroud 2000.  burned a half-million dollar crane and spiked trees with ceramic nails on the erie bayfront road project. burned suv's in erie. they are the scourge  the universities have given us.

Gary, you are scarring me, I knew who ELF was but did not know the rest.  But the fact of the matter is seriously, we all are entitled to our opinions and what we want and what is is usually different.  We must face reality here.  Yes we all are concerned about our environment but to carry anything to extreme is not good either, sometimes it makes situations worse.  We all live in this country together and there is enough violence as it is.  we must all try to live and work together.  We all have different opinions or different issues but lets face this, gas is here and our country and world needs energy, instead of creating a war we need to work together, where there is human contact there is human error there is no getting around it.  Lets look at our countrys history, look how we stripped the mountains in Pa years ago of timber and now we are slamming S. America about the forestry in the Amazon, look what we did to the native American Indians and now we are slamming the middle east for what they are doing to their own people, Look at the coal industry in Pa just decades ago, I do not need to go on and on.  Look who is calling the kettle black.  I too am concerned about our environment but I too am also concerned about the issue of energy, we must find a balance and meet in the middle somewhere and  violence and mud slinging is not the answer.  I love America, the outdoors and my fellow American and hope we all can somehow work these fears out together.   

karen, didn't mean to scare you. the instant info available since after ww 2 gives the world a heads-up now days about atrocities, so they can hopefully be stopped, though some aren't(africa). this new found wealth is waking up the soccer moms and dads ,along with finding their homes worth half what they were . this onslaught of community awareness is running headlong into the education system our government has shoved down our throats.a basket weaving degree   won't get you a job anymore.for a contrast look at the 1896 salina kansas test an 8th grader had to take to get into highschool.  one question was give the seven reasons for the revolution.( hint, they are all listed in the declaration). heck, kids today don't even know who joe biden is. of course he doesn't either.  hahaha

ELF is nothing more than a domestic terrorist organization. The more you find out about them, the more they should scare you.

Cant wait for anti frackers to blame Pink Elephants on fracking. 

I thought if you used the wrong dye on silver or gray hair it turns purple,looks like a bad dye job to me?


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