Can Anybody Give Be An Idea Of Amount Of Royalty Payment You Are Getting On A Marcellus Well?

Range Resources was said to pay out 1,200,000.00 to 31 recipients divided equal even comes to 38,797.00 a month not that checks would be divided equal but does anybody know of people getting monthly checks like this or more. 

Because I am wondering if they shut in allot and use stock market manipulation for their real profits.  I know for a fact during Katrina they cared less about production and made probably billions on the stock market. If I would have been paid the rate and the well tender not purposely breaking the well I would have gotten 3 checks for about 12,500.00 on a NON unitized standard well.

Also don't get confused about wells going bad.  The first 8 months will be huge with production falling then leveling off within 2 years.  All may research shows wells never go bad and can be fixed but companies don't tell you that then buy out your well and fix it.  Don't ever trust any of these people they will also be out to get more. Put a clause in your lease to buy out your well at scrap metal prices for what's under your property should they want to pull it

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