A couple of years ago, there was a huge nat gas field discovered off the coast of Israel. People speculated that this may cause more problems as the various factions would fight over the rights. But now it has been announced that Israel and the Palestinians have reached an agreement.  The Palestinians will build a $300 million dollar nat gas power plant in the West Bank and that Israel will sell them $1.2B over 20 years.

This kind of economic cooperation is critical in the future of the Mid East. As they build more economic ties, the risk of war will diminish.  May this be just the start.


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Read an article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer's Forum Section about the Panama Canal widening project encountering delays and cost over-runs jeopardizing Natural Gas foreign sales (to overseas points west) and of course then negatively impacting our domestic Natural Gas Development / Domestic Recovery.

In spite of my reservations / reluctance to sell our production to foreign flags I'm hoping for resolution.

It could very interesting if they sign a deal with Egypt or the Hamas in the Sinia(doubt that will happen). Maybe a pipeline to Jordan  or under the Med Sea to Europe.  Lots of possibilities.


Personally don't care what they do in the Middle East.
I don't trust the political structure there.
Today we read about cooperation tomorrow we'll read about war.
Just don't even give a hoot.
But I do care about our domestic circumstances.

If you think the ME doesn't matter to domestic circumstances..........I don't know what to say.

Oh it matters to domestic circumstances Jim - unfortunately (only speaking for myself here) - but I wish it didn't.

It doesn't matter to me because it's something we can't correct independently.

Personally, I don't think it should matter to any of us.

We can take care of anything that comes up anytime anywhere.

We're on the cusp of energy independence - it's at our fingertips.

Militarily no foreign flag stands a chance.

We lead - let the rest of the world follow or not - it's up to them.

All only IMHO.

Right on Jim.  I did a tour there in the army way back in 90-91.  We were there to "????????"!  Domestic circumstances?  Not what I was told. Ha Ha!  If only I knew then what I know now.  Joseph, we are so tied up in foreign affairs - there IS no domestic anything anymore - not really....IMHO

Unfortunately I agree  MJ - but I don't like it and I wish there were a domestic something.

Something like a domestic economy.

In my books we're 1st - everyone else can be 1st after us.


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