Today Carrizo Oil & Gas announced that it is entering the Utica Shale Play by way of a Joint Venture with Avista Capital Partners. There are 15,000 acres involved and Carrizo is paying $1,500 per  acre for ONLY 10% interest. You do the math. What would the value per acre be for 100% interest?


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If you are leased with Gulfport and want some current info, listen in on their earnings call. See the link....


Current articles on the Utica Play, including the story on Antero Reources leasing in Belmont Co for $5,900 per acre with 21% royalty. See the link....


The Ohio DNR has updated the permit/drilling activity reports for the week of 2-5-2012. There are quite a few new permits, and it appears CHK is moving into the production mode with multiple wells from a single pad. See the link....


The state DNR has updated the permit/drilling activity reports for last week. Permits are fairly scattered among the counties, but Carroll Co. still has the most activity. See the link...


Here's a list of current articles on the Utica Play/Ohio. See the link...


Here's a few stories from relating to the Utica Play. See the link...


Gulfpot and a few other nuggets. See the link....


This will be interesting. The premise of not stating value though I think is very weak for a argument. Would a person selling what they believed to be a old junker have to be told that there may be a buyer that thinks it is worth more? Gee the PICKERS on the cable tn would be in Jail!

 The notarization may be a issue if proven but still I believe as weak as I believe it would have to be on a case by case basis. The option though is interesting. 

  The notice of reassignment I think is worthless as notification would not bar it from taking place, only if a reassignment had to be agreed upon would perhaps hold water. My thoughts.

I agree with Billy. This lawsuit has no shot in the long run.

Check out the second article down regarding the proposed increase in severance taxes in Ohio to 7%. It hasn't happened yet, but you can bet our reps in Columbus will push for a number close to what Texas has. See the link....


 I commented there 

"I suggest that land owners that now have wealth get into politics and get rid of what the people are fed up with.  Politicians with no answers but to raise taxes! Policy matters themselves has stated the "people own the resources"!  This is not Russia this is America it is the land owners that have worked and paid for the land they own! "


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