Looking for advice on how to expedite obtaining an expired lease release. We have been attempting since October 2015 and call weekly, but have been given one excuse after another, with no results.. Is there a magic trick we do not know about to obtain???

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Jason I waited till my lease was up called them like 4 times it took them 5 months too release mine. It will show up on your county court land records. Hope this helps you,

Thank you Gary

Act 152 of 2014 (House Bill 402), also known as the “Recording of Surrender Documents from Oil and Natural Gas Lease Act,” requires lessees to provide a surrender document to a lessor within 30 days of the termination, expiration or cancellation of an oil and gas lease.  - See more at: http://oilandgas.jacksonkelly.com/litigation/#sthash.e88D7EE7.dpuf

Thanks very much for the information..

I looked at this information closely since a friend was trying to get his lease Released so I offered to help him apply the new law after it became active.

From my memory, we were going to put an add in the paper closest to where the leased land was for 2 weeks telling the company that held the lease that we were going to file for a release in the court house.

If the company failed to respond after that time period we could go to the court house in Greene County and ask for a Release to be filed per the new law.

A lawyer at the time said they didn't know how this law was going to work.

Read it and apply it as written. It's so simple, a Layman could do it.


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