The affects of shale gas is having more world-wide reach. Gazprom and Putin are weakened, eastern Europe set free.  Are the anti-fractivists Putin's best ally?

From the article;

The only thing that can save them is a political movement in the United States, headed by the environmentalist groups, that could cripple this strategic weapon. That central fact must be understood in evaluating the funding and activities of environmentalists.

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Brian; The point is not that Russia cannot produce large amounts of nat gas.  I am sure they can utilize HVHF and greatly increase their production. But if they do so it will just drive down prices further, hurting their economy.  And even more important, the vast volumes the US is producing will allow us to export LNG to Europe, weakening Putin's grip on their economy.  He will no longer be able to shut off the gas if eastern Europe doesn't bow down to him.  It will be even worse for Russia when, not if, Europe starts using HVHF to develop its own nat gas fields.  The Brits are already starting.

Harry, how do you like them facts?

Brian, I love it when the facts destroy the spin.


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