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thanks for posting that Kim D.


it could be a road that could be in any area of the Marcellus and Utica it is good that one individual stood up for the rights and concerns of the community...howbeit I hope he still has his job and was rewarded for his ability to make compliance happen!   It isn't the norm...  but sometimes it takes the action of one individual to call attention to what is actually affecting many.

worth reading the info at the link....could be your community with that kind of problem some day.

Yes, I hope the Township Official is still in his position, too.  To echo was a 'creative response'...and it provoked compliance.  We've all heard the saying, 'Think out of the box', apparently in this situation it payed off.  I wouldn't doubt a similar scenario could play out here in Carroll County, and I wouldn't doubt that one of our fine outstanding citizens wouldn't hesitate to take matters in their own hands, too.  From what I've read, it seems the majority of these major oil/gas companies are on the ball... as far as prepping, maintaining and repairing roadways.


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