Dr. Tony Ingraffea to Talk About Fracking at Butler Community College

Renowned authority on shale gas drilling, Dr. Tony Ingraffea of Cornell University, has been invited by Marcellus Outreach Butler to talk about the perils of fracking at:

7:00 pm, Thursday, November 21
Succop Theater
Butler Community College
107 College Drive, Butler, PA 16002

Free to the public. 

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I did just look at the WV Host Farm website and see the pictures illustrating your comments and supporting your concerns.  What companies are drilling there?  My house is in Northeast PA and most of the wells around it are drilled by Chesapeake, Corrizo, and Cabot. Their drilling practices demonstrate high degrees of protection for and care of the environment.  Certainly the rural roads require revision and maintenance to accommodate the heavy traffic.  Nonetheless, there have been few accidents and I am not aware of any serious accidents.

Perhaps PA has more stringent environmental regulations and more DEP/EPA inspectors.  What do you attribute the differences in drilling practices to?

Here's just one more of many:


- In our area it's Antero Resources, EQT, and Hall and Jay-Bee Drilling, but Chesapeake, Halliburton (remember BP's Gulf spill? It was their equipment. They're also the ones who patented horizontal fracking and outrageously got a CWA/CAA loophole) and EQT's records are even worse.

It's not a particular company. It's ALL of them, the processes. and the industry! It simply cannot be done safely and if it could be, it wouldn't be. The extraction industry has been around for almost two centuries and it has NEVER been anything but patently abusive, irresponsible, and indifferent to causing irrepairable harm for profit.

Its a culture, born of greed, and actually dependent on cheating the few rules, causing death and destruction to make it as profitable as investors and speculators demand. It's possible it CAN'T be profitable at all without its deadly trail of abuse, misery, permanent harm to resources and property, and death. Think of the coal industry's abominable record of spreading and denying black lung, the mine deaths, and corporate slavery of factory towns in West Virginia and out west. The only difference here is the irresponsible virulence of carcinogens, corporate corruption of goverment and capture of regulation; and the awesome scale of 90% of the 7 million gallons of water permanently poisoned per frack, per well,being left under the ground in THIS many two mile lateral bores fanning out, honeycombing under whole states. As massive and dominating as te areas industruialized seem, FAR more is left underground to eventually -inevitably- find and develop paths to the aquifer. The 10-15 THOUSAND psi pressure and unpredictablity of existing oblique faults and hundreds of thousands of ancient, low tech, legacy shallow wells, uncased and deteriorated, through the aquifer; pretty much guarantee the complete fouling of all water, thus destroying all life. These are legally "persistent and cumulative" carcinogens, and never should have been allowed to be "dumped" into the earth in ANY quantity - and for everyone BUT the frackers, by far the most MASSIVE, wholesale offenders, it IS highly illegal! Justfiy THAT!

Even proposing and developing a process so logically guaranteed to irreversibly pollute, harm and poison on such a vast scale, is reprehensible at its core.  

FB is anecdotal and not to be used as proof of anything more than how silly people can be.

Come to central northern WV and breathe the fumes, see the truly VAST scale of this industrial nightmare. and hear the 24/7 compressor stations across from people's houses, for yourself.

Talk to the many harmed who are planning to leave and take the loss of devalued property, and stay to see the evening nosebleeds. Go out with them to dispose of the dead livestock or pets.

I bet it will have even you, paid shill, slinking back home in shame to collect your check.

I do believe the good doctor has a leak up there in his brain.


A well was recently drilled 750 feet from my house in northeast PA. The fracking fluid retention pond was about 350 feet from my house.  No fumes...period.  Lots of noise, lots of traffic, lots of jobs, lots of domestic energy.  No soldiers, no drones, no IED's, no war!   The wells are drilled, the equipment moved and restoration of the land is already underway.  

Ingraffea's credibility is questionable.  Here is what Steven Chu, MIT Ph.D., Obama's energy secretary said: 

“There was a very famous Cornell report which we looked at and decided it was not as credible as it — well, we didn’t think it was credible. I’ll just put it that way,” he said.

The study has often been cited by environmentalists to make the case that the gas industry is bad for the air. It was in the news again this week because University of Texas researchers issued a study that contradicts many of the prior report’s claims.

Anthony Ingraffea, the Cornell University professor who is a co-author of the 2011 study, said he is not aware of any previous example of Chu criticizing the work.


I have stood by a number of those ponds. They are not different, and you do not have the situation you describe, or you could not possibly say there are no fumes.

I recommend anyone tempted to believe such industry propaganda locate a fracking site and go stand by one of those cancer ponds for even fifteen minutes, You will get the point before you even reach 50 feet away, downwind.

Contact WV Host Farms and they can get you close to one legally, or just go for a ride on Porto Rico Road  (13 on google maps, a right off of rt.18, about 10 mi, So, of 4lane hwy. 50) in Doddridge County WV. You won't even have to see the pads or pods, or get out of your car, In fact you won't even need to open a window - not that you'll want to.

Things are quite different in northeast PA than the practices you describe in WVA.  Your apparent unwillingness to accept that in combination with your profound disapproval of the entire industry leads me to question your motives as well as your statements.

I think we'll just have to agree to disagree, as Rodney is working at a different level than what most of us are. I think he is reactionary and extreme on the order with: http://blog.arocha.org/post/are-humans-the-virus-species/ 

Opinions are one of the things that make this nation a great place to live. We all need to understand that. You cannot shove your OPINIONS down someone elses gullet and expect them to say thank you.

So you have an opinion based upon unsubstantiated rhetoric, Rod, but that's just my opinion.

BTW - my family has 230 acres in Ritchie County, Beech Grove community, they were drilled in 2010. My nephew is living on the property and raises two to four steer a year. No one has suffered nose bleeds. There is a compressor station maybe 300 yards from the house & barn, its annoying when it runs. Ponds were gone after they left.

I wish your experience was better. To say ALL are bad just comes out, well, childish.

I would compare this all to a common surgery today, cardiac stent placement. Google it and all you will find are the thousands that went wrong. Very few people take to the internet to let everyone know my surgery went fine. Based upon your logic, I guess we should get rid of stents though.

These are not "opinions" -

They're observations and reports


from those of us in WV who are LIVING this horror.

Then prove it sir!!!!!   Anyone can say a thing and post some BS on a website.  Cite some serious sources!  I know communities that are quite happy with the revenue that has come to their towns with no side effects.  These Communities have had vertical wells for a hundred years - no problems. The burden of proof is on you sir!  I personally know many folks that live in WV who are unaware of the the crap you post.  I am not trying to disrespect you personally, but you have got to give it rest man. Over the top doesn'nt help the cause!

These are definitely NOT "vertical wells." The technology, accoutrements, and particularly its SCOPE cou;dn;t be more different.

Vertical wells don;t poison 5 milliom gallons of water PER WELL, PER FRAC of each well, or build 20 acre industrial monstrosities with reeking carcinogenic pools the size of football fields. Or giant roaring and banging compressor stations that run 24/7 belching fire and keeping entire towns awake night after night,

And I'm not getting sucked into your definition of duelling  "credible sources," I leave it to people to seek out sources and KNOW where they originate - like this paid INDUSTRY sitem which attacks THE most credible source of NON-INDUSTRY BIAS imaginable..

There is a very definite reason the industry goes to such lengths trying to discredit Ingraffea. because it can't credibly be done, and listening to his experience,career INDUSTRY acclaim, reasoning, and data; makes that obvious.

There is also a reason you want me to shut up - the very one that guarantees I will not. 


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