Is UN Agenda 21 Inhibiting / Stalling Utica Development In The Northern Tier ?

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I'm also surprised how few seem to have taken notice.

Apathy ?

I think so.

OK, some of it is apathy.  I do not disagree.

But much of it also is attributable to the incredibly friendly (to this sort of nonsense), NYC-based, filthy mainstream media,  They bombard us hourly with their liberal "progressive" crapola.

After a time, like it or not and admit it or not, their assault does have impact . . . . and especially on "low information" kinds of folks.  Such individuals you might look upon as apathetic.  But I would argue many simply evidence no discernible cognitive process of any nature.

I think we're on the same page.

I downloaded and started page 9 I figured out why it isn't getting attention. I've had more fun watching grass grow. Plus I suspect a lot of people have problems following. 351 pages aahhhh. I will comment after I get thru it. Thanks for a terrible homework assignment Joseph. Lol

Just kidding bro. We all need to stay informed. If not we are all just sheep.

I know where you're coming from.

It's a lot like work and difficult from being overcome by it and apathy ourselves.

Bottom lining it, it seems to me like our leadership throws it's Citizenry / Country / Constitution under the bus every time in favor of any others and then wants us to enjoy it.

Don't care for where this is all taking us myself.

Need to throw the bums out on their ears next election and hope for a better lot to pick from if you ask me.

It should be of everyone's great concern that our country's gas and oil companies / power brokers (although also being nternational / global) and especially when doing business in our country, are sure to look out for our country's interests 1st over any others.

Personally I don't think that's happening as I watch the apparrntly still growing assaults on landowner rights of ownership for instance.

Pretty sickening from my perspective.

But, I also see those of us who seem to be happy with it all for whatever reason, perhaps they're fortunate enough to be enjoying financial rewards inspite of the circumstances / actually being taken advantage of, or out of denial, or out of being uninformed, or out of not wanting to be informed, or out of apathy.

I think most need to wake up and take a deep whiff of the coffee and they'll probably find they really don't like the smell of it either.

Half of the folks on this site are fine with the abandonment of private property rights. Look at their stance on forced pooling. It's fine with them because their neighbors 3 acres are holding up royalties on their 30 acres. Can't let that one pesky individual decide what's right for them, got to think about the collective.

Small parcels like you describe shouldn't be permitted to hold up the operation - granted - but the procedure to force pool / unitize shouldn't be left up to the discretion of any one individual either. Personally, I think it ought to be democratic and left to a vote among those being targeted to be pooled / unitized and then enforced by the ODNR.

Only my opinion as always.

"Personally I don't think that's happening as I watch the apparrntly still growing assaults on landowner rights of ownership for instance."

Joseph I don't understand how you make the above statement and then say that a landowners mineral rights should be voted on democratically. If you are discussing what a neighbor should do with their property than you have already begun to take away their rights. Everyone jumps on the gas and oil companies over unfair deductions, they petition the government to step in and stop these big legal giants from screwing them over. The next day they believe them when they say they can't drill a well because Bill down the street with a few acres won't sign a lease. Not to worry I guess, through the affordable care act the government is already saying you are not your own property, why should any oil or gas co believe my back yard belongs to me?
Apparently long and deep horizontal bores encompassing numerous private properties and crossing numerous adjacent property lines and fracturing need to happen to develop the gas and oil below these days - can't be done any other way.

If that's true, in a 'Democracy', what is better - one czar with unilateral power to force the development - or a coalition of willing or unwilling landowners to approve of or disapprove of development by vote with their decision then enforced by a governmental agency ?

The vote could be structured on an acreage prorated basis.

I think the landowner vote is better myself.

I suppose the argument would be that landowners already voted by signing a lease or  not signing a lease.

However, signing a lease that is not specific regarding unit size and / or pooling intentions isn't the same thing as voting the issues the way I see it.

Not even to mention the so called 'signing bonus', royalty %,  no deductions clauses and the myriad other details pertaining to what happens to 'YOUR' property that may or may not be considered by the Czar.

Seems to me if the State wants to take those rights away from us and it seems to me they have they ought to at least pay us for it as in enforced eminent domain situations.  I see no difference. It looks like a State seizure to me.


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