The Messiah of the anti shale movement Josh Fox, and the Holy Grail of that movement "Gasland", have once again been shown to be frauds.

In the film Gasland Mr. Fox claims to show a lease he was presented by a "Gas" company (this is important). However, it has been proven that the lease he shows in the film is actually a lease developed by the NWPOA (Northern Wayne Property Owners Association). Did he lie ? You decide.

In a recent interview with Aspen Public Radio he was asked about this discrepancy, his response was that he

was a member of that organization that negotiated the lease. Wait, What?

First: this response doesn't answer the question why did he claim to be showing a gas company lease when it wasn't, and now he says it was the lease from the NWPOA. Which he knew at the time of the filming. Why not just say that in the film ?

Second: if he is so anti oil and gas development why was he engaging in lease negotiations ? BTW several of the folks involved with NWPOA deny he was a member and ever involved in the development of their lease.

My parents always told me to tell the truth because it's easy to remember. When you lie you will need more lies to cover the first.

Gotta love the anti development crowd, always entertaining.

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At this point making fun of Josh Fox is just too easy.  He's a clownfraud and pretty much every landowner knows it.

But the mainstream media treats his BS as reality. It really doesn't matter what we think of him / the problem is the more this snake gets to speak these lies, the more of the general public just goes along and believes it. There aren't enough of us landowners when comparing to the masses of people who, other than lower natural gas bills, will see any difference in their lives.


Oh yee of little faith.

No matter the size of the task as long as the goal is correct we must move forward.

I agree we have a daunting task. But if we all just work within our circle of contacts you'd be surprised how quickly the truth gets out.

I saw this thing once where you tell something to everyone you know and they do the same. It will eventually circle the world and make it's way back to you.

We are so inter-connected today it really isn't as difficult as you may believe to get the truth out. You just have to put in the effort each day..

I agree to a point / but the antis coming into schools (like the one I work in) played Gasland as factual. It was a college class in high school. I didn't know about it until the class was finished. The kids believed it - it's just like the global warming crowd - the myth is being told to our children in school. Parents don't even know its going on.


Unfortunately to many parents don't take an active role in their childrens education. However, I did and still do.

When my daughter was Junior her teacher tried this brainwashing nonsense about global warming. It occurred about the time a term paper was assigned. I suggested my daughter research and write about the subject, all I asked is that she keep me up to date. I also gave her my copy of "The Politically Incorrect Guide" to Global Warming and Environmentalism.

Her paper was about the fraud global warming was.

We must stay involved every day is all I can say.


Sometimes you just have to take the easy ones.


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