Just came across this TV program - Link - viewer supported TV


Several segments on Fracking within the US and also taking it to Europe.


Toxic water....they stated the Fracking water from PA is taken to New York....without any regulations on the testing of the water before it is dumped back into the earth....


Can't they figure out how to do this fracking without toxic chemicals.   Talked about the illnesses of those around the wells that have been fracked.  My son has two permits for wells to be drilled directly under his house....


They have already been told that they can't get "earthquake" insurance because they have already started drilling - which I don't think that really has occured yet!





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Was this on Syfy, the Science Fiction Channel?

Right now, they are playing "Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer".

Looks like I missed "Fracking Hell".


Have you seen "Attack of the Mutant Troll"?, the troll looks a lot like a cross between Yoko Ono and Lady Gaga.


Love that Science Fiction,




Perhaps your son shouldn't have signed an oil & gas lease if he & his mom didn't want wells drilled under his house!


The lease was signed before he bought the property, however the rights transferred when he purchased the property.  I don't live on his 55 acre's however I live on property that is adjacent to his - which I purchased from him - he kept the mineral rights and will receive royalties from all the acreage since it was signed prior to the company who is doing the drilling.  So he didn't have a say so - Atlas sold the lease from the "shallow" wells to Chevron who sold it to Hilcorp....SA. (that's smart a.......) just in case you couldn't figure it out!  However, with two wells being drilled under his property he'll have lots of money to move to another state if he wishes...Oh by the way he'll continue to receive his "FREE" gas to heat his house & garage and royalties on it also...just saying...


Check out this site. Fracknation and you will see the lies that has been told to us.

http://fracknation.com/   http://www.youtube.com/user/noteviljustwrong

RE: "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nS_j7lV0FQ"


Thanks a lot Dave, I am still having nightmares!


Why would your son need earthquake insurance for a 6 inch hole being drilled at least 8 thousand feet below his house? Especially since horizontal drilling has never ever caused a single earthquake.

Maybe you should stop watching the fear mongering propaganda films, and get a real education on the drilling process. 

Several earthquakes have been reported in Youngstown, Ohio. Not sure if it was the fracking which caused it or not. But they have the money to get the insurance which actually doesn't cost that much.  However, he will have 2 lines under his house...and precaution is better than not.

However the interesting fact is that he was unable to purchase the insurance since they had already set the "pad" in place even though the drilling hadn't started...Which leaves me to believe that they have had "problems" .......time will tell. 

They just completed building house dream house 1 year ago and really doesn't want anything to happen to it!

So my question to you is "Do you have Life Insurance"....with the amount of water that will be stored in this "pond" perhaps he should look into "Flood Insurance"  all things said....that is what insurance is for....


Besides I am neither for nor against it...hopefully everything will work out and he will become a very rich person once the royalty checks start coming in the fall of this year!

you should do more research your self...maybe not the drilling..but injection wells have been link to quakes.

Linda was not referring to injection wells, she was referring to horizontal fraced Marcellus wells.

If injection wells have been link to (very small)  earthquakes ... so what.

This has nothing to do with the situation she raised.






Linda , 

I think you want the facts . Are you Pro drilling if done right or anti frac  no matter what ?

Sounds like that is what she is looking for, information.   No need to attack all of the time, is there?


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