Many folks have posted on this site that time will tell if the Utica and Marcellus shale plays will ever amount to anything important. From my perspective it appears that the big boys think so. Large infrastructure companies continue to invest in Ohio, WV and PA.

As usual I'll let an article do the talking and make my point better than my words can.

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Most of us are here to learn and discuss Trapper. This thread was started by someone I trust, and is from my area. I don't think that there was any malicious intent to jump off of your thread. I felt that Mike's later comment was a little pushy and heavy handed. Some people, me among them, just don't respond well to that. My personal comments were meant to discuss possible O&G company tactics, and relay a discussion I had with a local building inspector that I felt would be of interest to fellow landowners. People can believe it or not, it makes no difference to me. I just felt that it was relatively positive information that seems to reaffirm the value of what this site is all about. Your thread has been very informative, I thank you for starting it, and will continue to follow it. I appreciate what you said in your first sentence. Your last sentence, in my opinion, was unnecessary. At least you followed your own advice, and vented on this post.

sage is the one venting and looking for a squabble .....I only stated that there was already a infrastructure thread and this article was already posted and right away sage went on defense........... sorry

I apologize if I was heavy handed too Mike. Some past discussions were mixed into my first reply. I will try to read your posts with a fresh outlook. The information you supply is, at times, very useful. I will however remain wary of information and patterns of behavior designed to devalue an area before that lack of value is absolutely proven. This Northern Utica is far from that point. But that is not how, or why, this discussion was started. I stepped over the line, and agree that Trapper's thread is a good one to continue.

No you didn't.

What difference does it make if another post also speaks to a point ?

Some folks follow posts presented by trusted / like minded individuals over others.

Some folks (like myself) even follow and reply on multiple posts made on an identical subject / point.

Where's the problem with any of it ?

To me it all makes for good discussion / debate.
Joseph it doesn't always have to be a "debate". Some (most) of us are here for real time information and facts that will give us a broader understanding of what to expect and hope for. Most of us have a vested interest in all of this because we own mineral rights and are leased.
For us it becomes rather tiring to be burdened with opinionized speculation ad nauseum.
We all will never agree 100% of the time on opinion based speculation but hard facts and actual developments are much less debatable and more desired by those of us truly vested in the play.

GOOD POINT  Trapper people in the north are very frustrated that development is not happening ........but it not happening in several other areas too look at stark western carroll and tusc county ......very few wells and some is on hold ''''''''have well pad on my lease that was built 4 years ago and nothing more has happened ......all a matter of time and  technology advancements

Those are brilliant observations Mike !

I'm proud of you.
What the E & P players seem to me to do best is borrow, pay themselves exhorbitantly, trade / sell leaseholds / assets, lobby for more power / control and thereby (seemingly carefreely) stalling development and fueling inflation.

Actual development almost appears to me to be a non-imperative with them / the last thing they care to do.

Just sayin' what I think I'm seein'.
When viewed wholistically, actual development appears to me as uncoordinated chaos.

Trapper, so, you want to talk to me about nausea ?

I'm familiar.

No one could be any more nauseous than I on these points.

I'm a 'vested' land and mineral / mineral rights owner in the northern Utica 'Play' who is damn tired of being told to shut up about the way things are being handled by the experts in order to maximize their return at the expense of the landowners.

Whether you know it or not or even care, if you're a landowner and mineral / mineral rights owner, leased or not in the north, south, east or west I'm on your side.

So, Trapper you're nauseous about it, and you want me to shut up because you think I'm not 'vested' or as 'vested' as you and others like you ? You seem to think the only folks that should reply to these points here and considered as 'truly vested' in the 'Play' are land / mineral owners who are leased and perhaps drilled and collecting royalty ? I flat out don't agree with you on that specific.

This is a public forum not a private exchange.

You shut up about telling me to shut up.

How's that for a point or two Mike ?

So you and Mike both can put all of that in your pipes and smoke it.

I'm standing by to see what if any affects it has on the both of you.

another frustrated northern Utica mineral owner ............I see no where that anybody told him to shut this point the northern Utica is dead .....probably will be the last area developed .......why did the big boys pull out ......because they didn't see profit in the north ..........why didn't the other big boys jump in and take over leases money to be made quickly .......the wells in production are just marginal wells shallow and lack of point pleasant maybe 10 years down the road somebody will go in and develop the northern area .......would not be surprised to see leases up there be allowed to expirer and then they will come back and release at lower bonus money and lower royalties later on...... as far as infrastructure up there it is being built to support minerals being produced in pa and the southern ohio areas and wv .........but if you look real close not much infrastructure is being built up there

You need to read Trapper's reply and take a meaning from it.

Someone recently said and I agree that 'you don't have to be a weatherman to tell which way the wind is blowing'.

True enough what you write about what 'the big boys' have done and are doing; but it doesn't mean stalling development and maintaining the status quo is the right thing to do.

Point Pleasant is present and 350' thick in parts of northeast Ohio (and in my geography) in spite of your denial of that fact.

What the 'big boys' say and do many times isn't the whole story as it's only what they see as in their best interests.

Do you believe in the Easter Bunny ?

If not why not ?

BTW, I don't characterize my perspective as frustrated - it's more like disgusted.


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