Can anyone tell me what the small symbols mean on the ODNR well map? Some are small circles of different colors and some are stars. I couldnt find the map legend. Thanks!

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Please post a link to the map so that we can try to decipher.

This map shows the well sites thruout Ohio. If you keep clicking on Harrison County, it will continue to enlarge and you will see little circles with lines sticking out, and if you look at the lake to the west of Cadiz, you will see a star. The little circles are different colors. The circles with  4-6 bold lines sticking out are existing drilling sites.  Thanks!

Click on the "Legends and Layers" icon - looks like a stack of pancakes.

Starting with "Oil and Gas Wells" continue clicking on the "+" signs, and wait patiently very patiently after each click.

Three or four clicks later the symbols are explained.

The circles are well heads or bottom holes, the lines are horizontals.

Different colors are well status - permitted, drilling, producing etc.

Stars are unknown status.

Thank you so much, PV


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