I looked in the sky and it is orange. Oh yes I have seen this before only its a lot bigger, what I drove down the road to see was the utica well being flared off on the patterson well. It had to be four or five times the size of the marcellus well flare which was in of itself a pretty good one. This well has a marcellus and a utica on it as a"test well". Looks like they passed the test. It is amazing and really hot from afar. It was raining and so as the flame was taller than the flare pipe, the groud was steaming all arond.

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Shell has a big rig on the Mayberry site just north west of Harlansburg, Lawrence Co and one that can be seen off of I79 just south of the Slippery Rock exit.

Jim is it Nabors rig 712 ?

one more


I'll try again.....I don't know the number of the rig.  Its (the Mayberry well) a ways back off the road and behind a clump of woods.  Sneaky! 

Haven't seen the one off of I79 yet.

The one by I-79 is the drake well. It is pretty close to the road. The Mayberry well is the biggest hack job to property I've ever seen. They completely ruined his farm. I know money, blah blah blah. I would think the access road and pad could have been placed a little better so ALL of his fields weren't chopped up. 

I seen the sky last nite and it was orange again so today 09-02-2012 @ 12:30 Pm we stoped over one well was flaring and the other well flare was small when we were leaving they turned the other well on boy the sound. Stop over and see the wells here are a few pic,


Thanks for the pics mike!

Does anyone know for sure if these last 2 wells are drilled into the Upper Devonion? From what I am picking up here on GMS , this is a liquid rich play.......? There's those big tanks again....fracking fluid capture.......oil/ngl capture........?

Mike, which site is this? Thanks. 

Site? I am not sure what you are asking me, if your asking me which well it is its Patterson well its in Southern Lawrence county, Pa.

Just came back from looking at the wells at Patterson"s on Friday they were flaring again with one flare went over today and there are two flair"s look at these trucks with all of this steam coming from them hope I give you the right pic.


Does this seem like wet gas or not I dont know why the trucks are steaming do you what is this

Does this seem like wet gas or not I dont know why the trucks are steaming do you what is this



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