It appears as if the (NYMEX) NG price might have bounced off earlier threat to penetrate $3.00 headed down.  For our sakes, let's hope so!!!

Oil, OTOH, is another story entirely:

Oil glut is ongoing


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You know folks, what will happen, will happen. If we watch the stock market everyday, or if we  see new gas wells being drilled at a slower pace, there is nothing we can do about it. We didn't have the royalties yesterday and we're all still here getting along like we always have. Unless you've spent money you don't have yet, why get worried. Remember what's really important in life.........This whole gas price thing will sort itself out, it may take years, so step back be thankful for what's good in your life.

Yeah.  I noticed that price this morning.

We weren't doing great between $4.00 and $5.00, but we were OK.

Now . . . . . . . . . . .   :-(

Worse, the direction is down.  We're practically giving our NG away and there's not a darn thing we can do about it.

Anne et. al.:

Yup.  Fer sure.  I realized years ago, before I signed, that once my "John Hancock" was on that lease I would lose all control over sales timing.  Also realized gasco might not sell under circumstances best for my interests.  Accepted that aspect as there is/was no choice.  And so things remain today.  It's all part of the game.  


Here is an RBNEnergy article on the subject.

I follow RBN pretty closely.  There is sure to be reporting there about the lower energy prices and and their effect on all aspects of the O&G industry.


Anne, Frank, Jesse,

Based on what I have read over the last two years,  I have thought that prices would not firm up until the 2018, 2019 time frame based on infrastructure, North American usage and International takeaway predictions (for methane and the NGL's) given the massive production increases we are seeing.  Of course, nobody saw these current prices coming and I would think that things will be softer between now and 2018-19 than has generally been predicted.  I do think that the projections for that time frame - $5 to $6 gas, $100 dollar oil (which is the benchmark that usually sets the NGL prices) are possible but not much above that and perhaps a bit below.  In my situation the gas and oil income is mainly for the children and beyond.  So if things are slower that is fine with me.  I would worry that many less than stellar areas (which may include where I am) will develop much slower than originally anticipated and that would be sad for those people whose hopes have been high.

Happy New Year!


Saudi's plan to drive the prices down to slow/stop oil and natural gas exploration/drilling is apparently working.  Hopefully the NG companies can make it thru until the Saudi's get greedy and feel they need their $100/bar that they feel is their birth right.


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