Romans, countrymen and lovers!

Hear me for my cause, and be silent,

 Amongst us who

curiously gained

from onRon Eiselsteinyay's  Page 3 banter?


   Amongst us, Who that knows

The evil that men do lives after them; 
The good is oft interred with their bones; 


Cast voices, ner-at-hand ,

Resurrect the bones of our fallen mad sage!

Views: 1223

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love him or hate him,he is missed for sure.

I for one miss Ron, he always had something to say most of the time I agreed with him not always. He had a lot of insight and miss him. COME BACK Ron Eiselstein

What happened?

Billy Park Whyde [

 Ron Eiselstein) is banded from this site?

I miss his posts as well.  I think he was banned because of promoting his business on the main forums too much.  My guess only.


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