why does the screen turn black when I click on pool declarations and plat map downloads???

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Where's that at?

wv pool declarations and plat maps search becky moore and scroll down

that would be on the brooke county wv group look at becky moores reply on jan 25 2016 this is a very helpful page but when you click on some of the api numbers pages turn black for some reason

How do you get to pool declarations? You could try a different browser.

jon get on the west Virginia group click on brooke county search becky moore post and scroll down to brooke county west Virginia unit declarations she posted a website on there but a lot of brooke county api numbers that you click on the screen turns black it must be the dep site that causing this I tried another county and it doesn't turn black

I'm seeing pdf files. Is that right? It may be a problem with your browser. Right click on the link and save it to your computer. Once the file downloads, try opening it that way.

yes pdf files jon click on the 47 009 00191 pdf file and see if the screen turns black on you thank you for your help

don't know where the problem was but seems to be ok now thank you



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