I had the honor of passing some seismic testing trucks several times this past weekend.  Sooooo exciting to see activity in lawrence Co...please tell me this is GOOD NEWS!

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Were they the big white trucks with Geokinetics on the door? If so they were in Mercer county last week. Hopefully this is good news for all of us! 

Yup huge white trucks & they are marking the roads with pink dots and pink flags.  Hopefully it means our time has come in Lawrence & Mercer Counties.  Beaver is a real hot spot right now...& I hope the hot spots continue NORTH.

They came within a mile of my property.

saw them by the apple castle and in mount jackson going down 551 enon valley way!!
Obviously some company has contracted Geokinetics to map out Lawrence and Mercer Counties. This is a good sign for the Utica shale play. There are many corporations with mucho dollars from a lot of places around the world with interest in natural gas.
I hope your right.  It seemed like us here in midwestern Pa were out of luck.  Now with the Utica we might be in the ball game.  Lets keep our fingers & toes crossed.

Hey-- has anyone in the Enon Valley area had an offer or has signed with a company???  




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