Sad. The only word I can use. View the imbedded videos, these are the people shaping the HVHF debate in this twisted state:


My state taxes are mis-spent, I need a refund. Somebody cheer me up, I need it.

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Who is John Gault?

Don't worry David you already visited Atlantis, come visit anytime you like and stay for awhile.

The farms, the businessmen and the industrialist, must turn all their entities to the Politicians for streamlining and more productive management.  The assetless leaders then must exit and become ingognito as they travel to Atlantis.


I believe I may have found Atlantis now but takers hide behind the hills.

they probably saw the bars.

Be patient, there is sooo much money involved the politicians will be salivating to get their greedy hands on it somehow, mark my words. I predict in two years alot more gas will flow out of New York State. Just look what happened in PA, billions are involved and it has not fully developed yet. Real estate prices have also benefited. The discovery of oil and gas through shale will turn our dependance from middleeast price fixers. It's only a matter of time [and politics] vote for the right people. Happy New Year. The sign up bonus we got from our two properties amounted to paying off a big mortage. We are so far better off now, also when the wells start producing we get royalties and can retire happily.

New York sits proudly among the three most screwed up American states.  They are, in no particular order:

New York



What failings do these three states share in common?  Not gonna go there.  :-)

Watching the video brings back a Caddyshack line "don't you people have jobs?"

Brian, I hope you are right. Up until recently, I believed the money would compel the state to move forward, not so sure now. We will find out next month. For those of you in other states, don't let this happen to you. Be vigilant and thwart these groups in their early stages, don't let them gain enough momentum to have a voice in this debate. It is amazing to see how effective fear mongering can be. The disenfranchised can very easily be convinced with rhetoric.


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